Approvals: Resource Settings
What are Resource Settings?
This is the most granular layer of configuration, allowing you to tailor the settings down to individual resources within each integrated system. If for some resources you need rules that are exceptions to what's been defined in the global and connector-specific settings, this is the place to specify them. For example, one particular distribution list might require a unique approval process different from others, and this can be defined here.
Integration ID: This is the unique identifier for the specific platform you have integrated into Moveworks for approval actions. (Example: "snow")
Default Resource Type: This setting categorizes the type of the default resource related to approvals. For example, "CHANGE_REQUEST" could represent a type wherein the user requests changes to a service or product.
Default Resource - Filter Approvals: This configuration determines whether to include or exclude specific endorsement records from the processing and storage avenues. Useful for managing which types of approvals will send notifications and be visible in a user's approval queue.
Database Filter: This enables or disables the function of filtering approval records using specific fields. With this, you have more control over performance, ensuring only relevant information enters the approval integration.
Default Resource - Notification Filter: Here, you can decide whether approval notifications should be sent to users, typically based on the conditions you set. Options can vary from viewing specific assignment groups to including or excluding certain records.
Default Resource Buttons: Here, you can configure buttons to be displayed to the approval requester. This allows you to curate actions the approver can take or links they can access.
Button Type: (Example: "deny_with_comment") This refers to a functional template for the type of button used. For instance, "deny_with_comment" means a reject action with an accompanying comment.
Button Title: (Example: "APPROVALS_DENY_WITH_COMMENT") This is the text appearing on the button, providing clear instruction to the user. It uses default values if a specific title isn't set.
Button Style: This setting determines the aesthetic presentation of the button (e.g., Primary Button depicts importance, Danger Button indicates a potential risk).
Action Type: Here, you decide the type of action that the button should carry out when clicked.
Redirect URL template: If the action type is set to Redirect URL template, provide a template URL, which is then used to direct the user to the appropriate location once they select "View Details".
Action Form Key: (Example: "fieldglass_deny_form") This is the reference key for the form used in the action. While there's one hardcoded form available now, this setting provides scalability for using different forms in the future.
External Resource Keys: This option connects particular resources to their relevant resource types for systems offering multiple resource types. It ensures the correct mapping across multiple systems.
Default Resource Mapper: This tool creates a route for transforming raw JSON objects from the external system into approved records.
Default Resource Additional Details Mapper: This tool functions as a translator to fetch additional details from the external system according to the output of the default resource mapper.
Action Notification Strategy Strategy: This rulebook specifies the roadmap for notifications with actions related to the default resource.
Link Type: This drop-down allows you to select the type of link used for the approval resource. For example, a redirect link can take users to an approval page on an external platform.
Default Resource Additional Details - Data Retrievers: These are configured tools that fetch additional details to add to the approval records. This additional info can be extracted and broken down in the Bender scripts.
Config (Example: Snow Table Data Retriever): This instance configures a specific data retriever to fetch specified data.
Data Key (Example: "ticket_data"): Here, you define a key that will be used to store the data fetched by the retriever.
Retrieval Config Source Key (Example: "change_request"): You also specify the source key parameter, which points the retriever to the correct location for gathering data.
Retrieval Config Filter Str (Example: "number={}"): This string allows you to define conditions for data collection, helping filter out irrelevant data and focus on what you need.
Retrieval Config Attributes: This set of attributes tells the retriever which variables to focus on while fetching.
Prerequisites (Example: ""): Prerequisites are necessary conditions or parameters that need to be met before the data retriever is run.
Updated 6 months ago