Approvals: Plugin Settings
This is the top most layer of configuration, any configuration made here will affect all approval-related functions within Moveworks across all the different systems it's connected with, irrespective of what is setup in the other Approval configs below it.
Here, you establish the base rules and behaviours that apply universally to all system approvals, unless specified otherwise in the narrower configurations.
Select your Connector
This field is left empty at the Plugin layer as the configuration defined here will apply to all Approval systems irrespective of the Connector, which is why one is not set.
Link Type
Select the type of link used for the approval resource. The types here are :
- Template - Admins can define the structure of the ticket which users will be redirected to when the click on the Approval.
- Ticket - Provides the link of the Approval Ticket which is picked up from Ticketing Configuration.
Leaving this empty is suggested at the Plugin layer since it will default to the value Ticket.
Notification Strategy
Select the strategy to use when notifying the user. If left empty, the default value here is set to Direct Notify which is the most common case in case of Approvals.

Basic Settings
This is where users can define the Default Ticket type for approvals and the buttons which will show up in the approval card.
Default Resource Type
This dropdown defines what type of approval Ticket is being considered for this config from the source system. This is left empty at the Plugin layer as this is the top most layer of configuration
Default Resource Buttons
Choose and customize the buttons presented to the approver. These can include specific actions or links to external systems. You can add multiple buttons to the approval card which can be included by clicking the Add + button.

The Resource Buttons can be configured individually with the following configurations :
- Button Type - List of button type templates which defines the action the approver will take when clicking on it. Note : Please try to map the Button type to the Action Type appropriately as it could impact functionality of the button
- Button Title - Select the button title you want to use. If not selected default values will be used based on the button type
- Button Style - Select a button style, there are 2 choices here :
- Primary Button - This is the highlighted button on the approval card
- Danger Button - This button is highlighted in red on the approval card
- Action Type - Select the action type you want the button to perform. These choices require the appropriate URLs to be provided.
Default Resource Filter Approvals
Control the processing and storing of approval records. If filters are set, specific records may not trigger notifications and will not appear in the user's approval queue.
This also controls completely Enabling or disabling processing and storing of approval records by using TRUE or FALSE as the value.
NOT (ticket.assignment_group IN ["Assignment Group 1", "Assignment Group 2"])
Default Resource - Notification Filter
Manage the approval notifications sent to users. Records will still be displayed in the queue even if notifications are disabled.
This also controls completely Enabling or disabling approval notification sent to the users by using TRUE or FALSE as the value.
NOT (ticket.assignment_group IN ["Assignment Group 1", "Assignment Group 2"])
Enable polling of Enterprise Approvals
This control enables or disables the polling of approvals from the source system. This needs to be set to TRUE or FALSE as the value explicitly in order for the Approval Skill to function.
The below controls are Internal to Moveworks and are used to reconfigure what fields are included in the Approval Card.
Please reach out to the Moveworks Support Team to set this up.
Default Resource Config External Resource Keys: Map external source keys to resource types. This helps pair each resource to a specific resource type for systems with multiple types.
Default Resource Mapper: Create a mapping for the approval record, converting the raw JSON object from the external system into the final approval record. If left blank, default settings will be used.
Default Resource Additional Details Mapper: Map additional details fetched from the external system to the approval record. This takes the output of the Default Resource Mapper and uses it to generate the final approval record. If left empty, default settings apply.
Default Poller Interval Seconds: Set the minimum delay, in seconds, between automatic system polling. The default value is 60 seconds.
Account Unlock Poll Grace Period Seconds - [Advanced]: Define a "grace period" value that allows the poller to run as if it were in the past. This is useful when an external system generates records with past timestamps.
Account Unlock Poller Maximum Look Back Seconds - [Advanced]: Set the maximum historical period the system can refer to before moving ahead. Adjusting this setting can affect the potential of missing records or increase wait times.
Default Resource Config Action Notification Strategy Strategy: Set the strategy for action notifications related to this default resource.
Default Resource Additional Details - Data Retrievers: Establish data retrievers to gather extra details for approval records. These details can be utilized in Bender scripts.
Updated 1 day ago