Slite Access Requirements

Moveworks requires the following details to connect with your Slite instance. The bot fetches knowledge articles stored in your system to serve the user with relevant answers.

General Setup

API authentication on Moveworks end is done via a personal API token created using any account in Slite who has access to Workspace settings and can create a new Personal API Key.

You will require the following to set up knowledge article ingestion in Moveworks:

  • API Key
  • Your Slite Channel IDs that you want Moveworks to ingest content from

👉🏻 Please provide the above to your Moveworks Customer Success Team, or configure them yourself in Moveworks Setup.

Create a new API Key

To create a new Personal API Key, follow the steps mentioned in Slite’s official API Guide:

This API key authorizes access to all content.

Please name the API Key as Moveworks and store the key that you receive after following the guide in a safe place.