Conference Room Settings

To enable Places Lookups, the conference room data source must be set up. This page will provide details about configurations for the same.

Conference room data source

Conference room source: This lets you choose your preferred conference room data source among OfficeSpace, SpaceIQ or Google Sheets.

API key or ID: This field asks for an API key in case of SpaceIQ and a Sheet ID in case of Google Sheets.


Note: Google Sheet ID

You can find the Sheet ID in the URL with the format:{Sheet_ID}

Google Sheet format: Please adhere to the following format when setting up Google Sheets as the data source for your conference rooms.

Conference Room NameBuildingLocationFloorConference Room NumberCapacityAmenitiesPhone/ExtensionCalendarConference Room Image File NameConference Room Image URLArea

Advanced or Deprecated Configs (Conference Room Ingestion)

Conference Room Name Processor: When the RoomNameProcessor option is chosen from the dropdown, it allows you to specify rules for filtering rooms from the API responses with a regular expression.

Conference Room Name Token Exclusion Rules: This field is where you can select the regular expression rules to be used for filtering the rooms.


Sample API response for the conference rooms: 
    "room_name" "conference_room_1A",
     "room_name" "conference_room_1B",
     "room_name" "facilities_room",

If the RoomNameProcessor is enabled with the token conference_room.+, then it would only include the first two rooms, as the third room name does not get captured by that regular expression.