File Search Sharepoint Online Configuration using Azure AD App-Only Authentication (New!)


Note 1: File Search requires User Ingestion through the MSGraph API to map Sharepoint user profiles to Moveworks user profiles, in order mirroring your Sharepoint Access Controls (ACLs). If User Ingestion has not been set up previously, or if this is your first time integrating Sharepoint for Search, please contact the Customer Success team for assistance with configuration.

Note 2: For Sharepoint Access requirements, Steps 1 and 2 describe separate sets of access that you have to provide to BOTH the Sharepoint Online REST API and the MSGraph API, due to our current implementation of the product.

1. Grant Access to Sharepoint REST API via Azure AD App-Only Authentication Method

In this step, you will grant access for Moveworks to use the Sharepoint REST API to read file permissions from your Sharepoint Sites. The Azure AD App-Only authentication method is the Microsoft-recommended method of granting access to the Sharepoint REST API.

Follow all instructions per Microsoft’s Azure AD App-Only Access Requirements

  1. Follow the access steps from the Setting Up an Azure AD App for App-Only Access section from the Microsoft Azure AD App-Only Authentication guide. In this step, you will:

    1. First generate the .pfx and .cer files using the Powershell script.

    2. Register an Application for Moveworks in your Azure AD App Directory.

    3. Connect your certificate to the Application.

    4. [Important] Grant specifically the Sites.Read.All access, as Sites.FullControl.All is not necessary. Note, this must be done for the Sharepoint API during this step.

      1. Alternate Option: Sites.Selected (more information here)
        This permission allow you to narrow down Moveworks search to content from only SPECIFIC sub sites in the tenant. This requires additional setup, where instructions can be found here.
    5. Save the .pfx and .cer files for the following step.

Run Additional Powershell Commands to Generate X5t and Private Key values

  1. Run the following Powershell command, to generate the X5t value needed for Moveworks’ Sharepoint Connector.

    $certPath = "path\to\your\certificate.cer"
    $cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($certPath)
    $sha1 = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create("SHA1")
    $hash = $sha1.ComputeHash($cert.RawData)
    $x5t = [Convert]::ToBase64String($hash) -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='
    Write-Output $x5t
  2. Save the X5t value generated for Step 3 (Create Connectors in Moveworks Setup).

  3. Run the following Powershell command, to generate the Private Key needed for the Moveworks’ Sharepoint Connector.

    openssl pkcs12 -in "C:\path\to\your\file.pfx" -nocerts -nodes -out "C:\path\to\output\privateKey.pem"
  4. Save the Private Key value generated for Step 3 (Create Connectors in Moveworks Setup).

2. Grant Moveworks Access to MSGraph API

In this step, you will grant scopes for Moveworks to execute your file-level ACL permissions by ingesting your Sites, Files, Users, and Groups via the MSGraph API. This is used to enforce that users are only able to search for information from files that they already have access to. For more on the reasons for the scopes, see File Search - Respecting File Permissions.

You must grant your Moveworks bot Azure application the following scopes for it over the MSGraph API to support this:

There are three different ways to do this depending on how your Moveworks bot is deployed:

If you are using the Microsoft AppSource Moveworks Teams Bot

We have updated the app with the requested scopes necessary for us to read your permissions data. One of your Azure admins simply needs to consent to these additional requested scopes.

  1. Simply navigate to the following URL, replacing <CUSTOMER_TENANT_ID> with the ID of the tenant to which you have installed the app, and click Accept:


If you are NOT using the Microsoft AppSource Moveworks Teams Bot and you ALREADY have a Moveworks Azure application

You will grant these permissions via the Azure admin portal by modifying your existing app.

  1. Go to your Microsoft Azure portal, and select Enterprise applications.

  2. Search for the application to which you’ll be granting the new permissions. Note down its Application ID (aka App Id).

  3. Navigate to this URL, replacing the end of the URL with your App Id:{Application ID}

  4. This will bring you to the API Permissions page for that application. You may already see some permissions configured for this application, some of which may already be ones we need. In the image below, however, you’ll see this app only has User.Read, and that is not one of the four permissions we need, so we need to add all four.

  5. Click Add Permission.

  6. This will open a panel on the right side:

  7. Click on Microsoft Graph.

  8. Click on Application permissions.

  9. A search bar will appear.

  10. Search for the permissions you need to grant (noted above) and check the box for each.

  11. Once they’ve all been checked, click Add permissions.

  12. You’ll now see all the newly added permissions alongside any you previously had granted the app, however, the new ones will have a status of “Not granted for” your organization.

  13. To complete the process, click Grant admin consent for your organization.

  14. If this panel appears, click Yes, add other granted permissions to configured permissions then Save and continue, then Grant admin consent, and then Yes.

  15. You will see green checkmarks on the newly added permissions if this was successful.

If you are NOT using the Microsoft AppSource Moveworks Teams Bot and you DO NOT ALREADY have a Moveworks Azure application

You will be creating a new app in the Azure admin portal with these permissions.

  1. Follow this guide, completing all the steps up through and including “Provide the Credentials to the Moveworks Customer Success team” (but skipping the “Verify Azure Manifest” step).
    1. As you do this, when you reach the step titled “Add API Permissions” also add and grant consent for the permissions noted above (Files.Read.All, Sites.Read.All, Group.Read.All, User.Read.All).
    2. You will not need to worry about connecting this to Teams, so please disregard references to doing so.

3. Create Connectors in Moveworks Setup

In this step, you will create a Connector in your Moveworks Setup portal, using the credentials that you have configured above. If you have not been granted access to Moveworks Setup, please provide your credentials to your Customer Success team, who will help you create your Connectors and configure your File Ingestions, akin to the following steps.

Get App ID

If you have a Microsoft Teams App Store Bot, use the App ID for Microsoft Team App Store Chatbot for Moveworks: b8ec4e1a-e05a-49d0-ba3a-05119b8b62c0 and proceed to the next step in this guide, to create the MSGraph and Sharepoint Online Connectors in Moveworks Setup using this AppID.

If you don’t have a Moveworks Teams App Store Chatbot, but do have a Teams Bot with an AzureBot/Bot Channel Registration in your own tenant, then go to to find the App ID, save those credentials, and proceed to the next step in this guide, to create the MSGraph and Sharepoint Online Connectors in Moveworks Setup using this AppID.

If you use Slack, or another Chat platform, and have never set up a Microsoft Teams Chatbot for Moveworks, then follow these steps to set up a Microsoft App Registration first here: Creating a Microsoft App Registration for Moveworks, before proceeding to the next step in this guide.

Create Two Connectors in Moveworks Setup: One MSGraph Connector and One Sharepoint Online Connector

See Creating a Microsoft App Registration for Moveworks.

  1. Configure one of each of the following connectors, as both will be required for File Search.
  2. Start by navigating to the Connector module in your Self Serve portal.
  3. If you have not already, create the Microsoft Graph connector.
    1. 📘Set up the Microsoft Graph connector, DO NOT use the "Sharepoint Online (via Microsoft Graph")

      DO NOT use the Sharepoint Online (via Microsoft Graph)

    2. Use OAuth2, select Client Credentials, and enter your Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID
  1. If you have not already, find the Sharepoint Online Connector (Classic method)

    📘Set up the Sharepoint Online Connector using the Classic method

    When setting up the Sharepoint Online Connector for File Search, select the Sharepoint Online (Classic method).

    DO NOT use the Sharepoint Online (via Microsoft Graph)

    1. If working with Moveworks’ Customer Success teams, send over via secure email the following credentials

      1. Client ID
      2. Tenant
      3. X5t value from Step 1
      4. privateKey from Step 1
    2. If self-serving configurations via Moveworks Setup, create a Sharepoint Online (Classic Method) connector

      1. Select the following authentication method Oauth2 Jwt Grant

    3. Input the following credentials

      1. Base URL
      2. Client ID
      3. Tenant ID
      4. X5t Value
      5. Private Key

4. Configure File Ingestions in Moveworks Setup

In this step, you will be able to configure the File Ingestions in Moveworks Setup, using the Connector you have created above. Until then, your Moveworks' Customer Success team will help you configure your File Ingestions.

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Search → Answers → Ingestion → Files module.

  2. Select the Sharepoint_Online Connector and Name your File ingestion config.

  3. You must also select a second connector, the Microsoft Graph Connector, for ingesting file permissions.

  4. Continue to the Ingestion Details page and Specify each Site.

    1. From the list of sites that you have granted us access to in Step 2 above , specify each Site.

      1. Please double check that each Site has been granted the access in Step 2.

        1. If you are using Sites.Selected in Step 3, please double check that you have properly granted MSGraph access for the Site.
      2. Please double check that you have entered each SiteName correctly.

        1. For example, if the URL of your site is, enter the verbatim into your File Ingestion.

          1. You can select the option to crawl through all nested resources within the Site you inputted.

          2. You can also specify specific paths within the Sites, by using the Library Configs action. Please specify the path of the file, separating nested Site names in the following format.

  5. Save the File Ingestions and continue on next steps in the original guide: File Search Self-Serve – Configuration Guide.

5. Continue to launch File Search to your employees (if not already)

  1. Refer back to the main File Search Self-Serve guide: File Search Self-Serve Configuration.