Configure Message brokering
What is Message brokering?
Message brokering will allow you to configure few settings related to Agent brokering configurations. This configuration allows you setup the agent chat behavior
- Setup settings related to the Agent & Transcript
- Setup the file attachment behavior in agent chat process
Configuring Message brokering
Agent Always Available: Activate this option to bypass checking the agent's availability status from their system.
Enable Pre Chat Sys Msg Limit: Switch this on to set a cap on the number of system messages sent to the user before connecting with an agent.
Pre Chat Sys Msg Limit Value: Set the maximum number of system messages. For example, "1" means one system message will be sent to the user before the agent takes over the chat.
Agent Language: Choose the language in which the agent communicates. For example, "EN" stands for English.
On Demand Machine Translation: This feature translates messages as required, based on the user's locale and the chosen agent's language.
Live Agent Transcript Date Format: Sets the date format for the live agent chat transcript. Options include the "ISO 8601" format (YYYY/MM/DD), the "US" format (MM/DD/YYYY), and the "European" format (DD/MM/YYYY).
Enable File Attachment Size Limit: Turn this on to set a maximum size limit for single file attachments.
File Attachment Size Limit: Define the maximum file size allowed for a single attachment, in MB.
Enable Total File Attachment Allowed Per Session: Activate this to limit the total number of file attachments per live agent session.
Total File Attachment Allowed Per Session: Set the cap for the maximum number of attachments allowed per live agent chat session.
Don't Pass Chat History: Enable this if you prefer not to send the chat history to the agent when the live agent chat session begins.
- If this field is not enabled, then the previous 20 messages will be sent to the agent by default, including both user and bot messages. This number is configurable using the Max number of messages to pass field.
Enable Post Session Trigger Creator Studio Event: Turn this on to set an event ID from Creator Studio to be triggered after the live agent session ends.
Creator Studio Event UUID: Specify the event ID from Creator Studio to trigger once the live agent chat session concludes.
Updated 5 months ago