
Moveworks provides several built-in domains and custom domains, in order to classify utterances typed by users. As a result, admins can define unique handoff instructions and visualize the data within AI Assistant Analytics to provide insights on user behavior and knowledge gaps.

What is a domain?

In the world of employee service, there are various functional areas based on the type of issue or request that an employee has. Moveworks uses the term “Domain” to describe these functional areas of employee service. Moveworks offers several built-in domains that can predict without any custom configuration and have the following definitions:

  1. IT: Issues and requests pertaining to information technology, i.e. the use of computer systems to create, process, store, retrieve, and exchange electronic data and information.
  2. HR: Issues and requests that typically fall under the purview of a human resources department. We consider most requests about the following topics to be HR domain: benefits, employee recruitment, training & development, performance appraisal, pay & benefits systems_, organizational changes, & industrial relations, i.e. balancing organizational practices with requirements from laws & collective bargaining. __may also fall under Payroll__
  3. Facility: Issues and requests pertaining to workspaces and other facilities leased or owned by the organization. We consider requests about the following topics to be Facility domain: facility access badges, office supplies. facility information lookups, including of conference rooms, furniture, catering, cleaning, facility maintenance, other requests pertaining to the planning, design, construction, lease, occupancy, maintenance of facilities. Potential overlap with IT: information technology infrastructure for an office or other facility, such as badge access and wifi networks.
  4. Finance: Issues and requests pertaining to corporate finance or financial accounting. We include personal finance questions under this domain as well. We consider requests, queries, and issues about the following subjects to be Finance domain: financial transactions related to the organization (summary, analysis, reporting, and execution), including purchase orders and invoices, budgets, money, financial agreements with entities outside the organization, tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources, the capital structure of the organization, & short-term borrowing and lending
  5. Legal: Legal requests and ethics/compliance questions, including anything related to contracts/master agreements with vendors, suppliers, partners, and customers.
  6. Payroll: Requests pertaining to the process of calculating employee earnings, factoring out taxes and voluntary deductions such as 401(k) contributions and Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) contributions, and paying employees for their labor.
  7. Procurement: Requests pertaining to the corporate process of sourcing and purchasing goods and services from an external source, like a third-party vendor or supplier. Includes vendor negotiation and vendor management, handling organizational purchase requests (requisitions), issuing purchase orders and developing term contracts.
  8. Travel & Expense: Requests pertaining to travel logistics and reimbursements to employees for expenses.

What is the difference between built-in and custom domains?

Built-in domains are simply pre-populated custom domain configs. To modify the definitions of these domains, admins can edit the custom domains configs just like other custom domains. At times, admins would like to configure additional domains, which are custom domains. Some examples of common custom domains include Sales Enablement, Security & Privacy, Manufacturing, Equity Operations, & Data and Insights.

How can I configure a custom domain?

Moveworks can allow multiple custom domains, each with unique handoff instructions.

To configure a custom domain, here are the following steps:

  1. Go to Moveworks Setup > Domains in the Core Platform section
  2. Configure the following fields on the page:
    1. Domain Name: The specific name assigned to the custom domain, such as "Sales Enablement" or "Manufacturing".
    2. Domain Description: Detailed description that defines the scope of the custom domain.
    3. Positive Examples: Specific utterances that should be classified under this custom domain, which help to strengthen domain matching.
    4. Negative Examples: Specific utterances that should not be classified under this custom domain, which help to prevent misclassification.
  3. Define the Handoff descriptions in the Moveworks Setup.
  4. Test the new custom domain with handoff instructions within Moveworks AI Assistant.
    1. Admins may need to wait for changes to propagate; however, it depends on how big is the change. If the admin is simply adding a few examples (<10) it should take less than 2min. If admins are adding a whole new config and >10 examples, then it may take ~5min.

How are domains predicted in Moveworks AI Assistant?

There are two methods to predict domains:

  1. Moveworks leverages gpt-4o-mini for custom domain prediction through a method called few-shotlearning, in which the Domain Name and Domain Description provides the most signal to make the domain prediction (see below).
  2. To override the model prediction, Moveworks checks to see if the user utterance matches any of the Positive Examples . If an admin wants a specific utterance to map to a domain, they may add it to Positive Examples.

How is domain classification used in Moveworks?

There are two main uses for domain within Moveworks platform:

  • Analytics: Domain classification is used to classify user utterances within Analytics
  • Smart Handoff: Domain classification determines which department to direct users to if they need help with their issue.

What if a topic falls under multiple domains?

When a topic falls under multiple domains, Moveworks currently ranks the domains, and then we pick the highest score output by our domain classification pipeline.

SubjectDomain 1 (winner)Domain 2Domain 3
benefits softwareHRIT
expense/reimbursement softwareTravel & ExpenseIT
payroll softwarePayrollITHR
direct deposit of payPayrollFinance
pay policiesPayrollHR
contracts with vendorsLegalProcurementFinance
facility badgesFacilityIT
office wifi networksITFacility
workplace inventory managementProcurementFacility

How is the domain surfaced in Analytics?

In order to provide insights into the Moveworks AI Assistant performance and value for different organization domains, analytical data leverages domain definition described above.

Moveworks displays the domain label for analytics dashboards as follows:

  1. Domain of an issue is the domain predicted by ML models for this issue. Each issue is categorized by a single value of domain with the highest score.
  2. If domain is not detected by ML models but configured as domain of tickets ingested, analytics uses the configured domain to categorize the ticket but not for comment added to a ticket.
  3. Enterprise resources such as Knowledge articles are also characterized by the domain of organization which creates and curates the knowledge. Domain of an article is reported as configured; there is only one value of domain per article. Article domain is reported separately from the domain of an issue; in other words it may happen that there are articles from both HR and IT knowledge domain that suggest solution to an issue of HR domain.