Plugin Management
Plugin controls allow Admins to turn key capabilities ON or OFF within Moveworks Setup. Plugin controls can also be used to selectively roll-out a capability to a limited audience by adding an additional rule.
Below is the list of plugin controls available in Moveworks Setup:
Workspace | Plugin/ Module | Where to find this plugin control? | Plugin Control | Description |
Enterprise Search | Answers | Skill Settings | Enable answers | Enables the answers skill. |
Enterprise Search | Lookup | Skill Settings | Enable Knorah | Enables the people & places skill. |
Access Management | Access Account | Skill Settings > Reset MFA | Enable MFA reset | Enables the MFA reset skill. |
Access Management | Access Account | Skill Settings > Reset Password | Enable password reset | Enables the password reset skill. |
Access Management | Access Account | Skill Settings > Unlock Account | Enable polling of account lockouts | Enables the bot to poll your identity system to identify accounts that were locked out. Only enable this if your bot is configured for proactive unlock account notifications to prevent unnecessary polling of your identity system. Note: This feature only enables the polling of locked accounts and does not enable the notification itself. |
Access Management | Access Account | Skill Settings > Unlock Account | Enable account unlock | Enables the unlock account skill. Requires Enable polling of account lockouts. Also, note that this plugin does not accept a DSL rule. Any user filtering must be done in the Proactive Reachout Filter. |
Access Management | Access Account | Skill Settings > Password Expiry Notifications | Enable password expiry notifications | Enables the password expiry notifications skill. |
Access Management | Access Account | Skill Settings > Password Expiry Notifications | Skip delivery of password expiry notifications on weekends | If enabled, password expiry notifications will not be sent on Saturdays or Sundays. |
Access Management | Access Groups | Skill Settings > Add to Group | Enable group addition | Enables the add users to a group skill. |
Access Management | Access Groups | Skill Settings > Create Group | Enable group creation | Enables the "create a group" skill. |
Access Management | Access Groups | Skill Settings > Remove from Group | Enable group removal | Enables the "remove users from a group" skill. |
Access Management | Access Software | Manage Provisioning | Enable software provisioning | Enables the software provisioning skill. |
Ticketing Automation | Approvals | Skill Settings | Enable polling of enterprise approvals | Enables the polling of approvals records, required to enable the enterprise approvals skill. |
Ticketing Automation | Channel Resolver | Skill Settings | Enable MFA reset via channel resolver | Enables the MFA Reset skill to be triggered via channel resolver. Requires Enable MFA Reset. |
Ticketing Automation | Channel Resolver | Skill Settings | Enable channel nudge reminders | Enables the bot to nudge users who have received a channel resolver reachout. Requires Nudge. |
Ticketing Automation | Channel Resolver | Skill Settings | Enable ITSM webhook event processing | Enables the processing of webhook events received from your ITSM system. Only enable this if your bot is configured for ticket syncing with channel resolver. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Notification Delivery | Respect user timezone when resolving business hours | If enabled, the bot will consider the user's timezone when determining if a concierge notification is outside of business hours, and should therefore be queued for the next day. If disabled, the bot will default to using PST. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Notification Delivery | Enable weekend notifications | If enabled, users will continue to receive concierge ticket notifications on weekends during business hours. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Notification Delivery | Enable concierge notifications | Enables the bot to send concierge notifications for ticket state changes and comments. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Notification Delivery | Skip watcher notifications | If enabled, concierge notifications will not be sent to watchers, as shown here. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Notfication Delivery | Respect user geocode when resolving weekend hours | If enabled, the bot will determine weekend hours based on the user's geocode. By default, Moveworks assumes a Monday - Friday work week but if enabled, users in countries such as Israel will have their work week set to Sunday - Thursday. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Advanced Settings | Enable ticket polling | Enables the bot to poll your configured ticketing system(s) for new tickets or updates to existing tickets. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Ticket Actions | Enable attachments | Enable uploading of attachments to tickets via in-bot ticket filing. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Ticket Actions | Hide reopen button for closed tickets | If enabled, users will no longer see the option to reopen a tcket that has been marked as closed as shown here. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Ticket Actions | Block watchers from resolving tickets | If enabled, ticket watchers will no longer be able to resolve an open ticket from a watcher notification, and this can only be done by the ticket requestor. |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Ticket Actions | Respect ticket filters for querying tickets | If disabled, the concierge ticket filter only applies to concierge ticket notifications. Enabling this flag ensures that this filter also applies to quering a ticket (via either a broader check status query or a by simply looking up a single ticket ID). |
Ticketing Automation | Concierge Setup | Ticket Actions | Restrict ticket visibility to requestors only | If disabled, users will be able to look up any ticket from your ITSM regardless of whether they were the requestor or not. Enabling this flag ensures that onlly the ticket requestors will be able to look up a specific ticket. |
Ticketing Automation | Forms | Skill Settings | Enable form finding | Enables the form finding skill. |
Ticketing Automation | Forms | Skill Settings | Enable form deflection to ITSM | Enables ITSM redirect deflections for forms that cannot be rendered natively in-bot. |
Ticketing Automation | Forms | Skill Settings | Override fillable forms to deflect to ITSM | Force an override of fillable forms to deflect to ITSM. Recommend using this with a DSL rule to ensure it only applies to a certain list of forms, as shown here. |
Ticketing Automation | Forms | Skill Settings | Override unfillable forms to be fillable | Force an override of unfillable forms to be fillable in chat. Note that this only applies to ServiceNow forms that are rendered unfillable due to a client script, UI Policy Script or virtue of being a Record Producer. Recommend using this with a DSL rule to ensure it only applies to a certain list of forms, as shown here. |
Ticketing Automation | Forms | Skill Settings | Enable form filling for eligible forms | Enables form filling of eligible forms via either inline, in-bot or Moveworks webpage based form filling experiences as described here. |
Ticketing Automation | Handoffs | Live Agent Handoffs | Enable live agent handoff link in ticket comments | If enabled, ticket comments will include a link to handoff to a live agent. Requires Enable Live Agent. |
Ticketing Automation | Handoffs | Live Agent Handoffs | Enable live agent handoff | Enables live agent handoff as an alternative to ticket filing via smart handoff. |
Chat Bots | Multilingual Support | Multilingual Support | Enable multilingual support (MLS) | Enables the multilingual support (MLS) functionality. |
Chat Bots | Notifications | Notifications | Allow opting-out from employee communications | If enabled, users will have the ability to mute or completely opt-out from notifications sent via employee communications campaigns, as shown here. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Interception | Enable form finding via ticket interception | [Supported in Moveworks Classic only] Enables the bot to search for and offer form suggestions via ticket interception. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Interception | Enable MFA reset via ticket interception | [Supported in Moveworks Classic only] Enables the bot to offer the MFA reset skill via ticket interception. Requires Enable MFA Reset. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Interception | Enable group operations via ticket interception | [Supported in Moveworks Classic only] Enables the bot to offer group operations (i.e. addition, creation, removal) Requires at least one of Enable group addition, Enable group creation, Enable group removal. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Interception | Enable software provisioning via ticket interception | [Supported in Moveworks Classic only] Enables the bot to offer software provisioning via ticket interception. Requires Enable software provisioning. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Interception | Enable answers via ticket interception | [Supported in Moveworks Classic only] Enables the bot to search for and offer answers via ticket interception. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Interception | Assign successfully intercepted tickets to bot | [Supported in Moveworks Classic only] Enables the bot to self-assign tickets intercepted successfully via ticket interception. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Nudge Setup | Enable nudge | Enables ticket nudge. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Nudge Setup | Nudge inactivity threshold | Denotes the inactivity threshold (in days) for a ticket to be eligible for nudge. e.g. If set to 3, a ticket will be nudged to a user if there hasn't been a comment added to it in the past 3 days. |
Ticketing Automation | Ticketing | Ticket Nudge Setup | Nudge reminder threshold | Denotes the frequncy (in days) of nudge reminders for a specific ticket. e.g. If set to 3, a ticket may only be nudged to a user if it hasn't already been nudged in the past 3 days. |
Core Platform | User Identity | Bot Access | Bot Access Rule | Enables bot access. Set to TRUE to enable for all users or use a DSL rule to limit to certain users, as shown here. |
Updated 15 days ago