Moveworks Data Objects


Referenced as user

The User object represents an individual's basic information and integration-specific data that ties the user to various chat, ITSM and IDAM systems.

first_namestringThe user's first name
last_namestringThe user's last name
email_addrstringThe user's email address. This field must be unique across all users. User email is most commonly selected as a join key since this attribute is commonly available across all systems.
employee_idstringThe employee ID of the user. Employee ID can also be selected as a join key since this attribute can be unique across all users.
rolestringThe user's role within the organization
departmentstringThe department the user belongs to
manager_emailstringThe email address of the user's manager
full_namestringThe user's full name
cost_center_idstringThe ID of the cost center the user belongs to
cost_center_namestringThe name of the cost center the user belongs to
country_codestringThe user's country code
timezonestringThe user's timezone
regionstringThe region the user is located in
citystringThe city the user is located in
statestringThe state the user is located in
work_statusstringThe working status of the user (e.g., INTERN, FULL_TIME)
user_tagsList [string]Tags associated with the user (e.g., IT_AGENT, SERVICE_ACCOUNT, BOT)
custom_datamap<string, string>Custom data related to the user. Map consists of custom attribute names (as keys) and values.
external_system_identitiesmap<string, ExternalSystemIdentity>External system identities associated with the user.


Referenced within the User object as external_system_identities

ExternalSystemIdentity defines the unique identifiers of a user within an external system.

user_idstringUser ID used by user to log into the external system
external_idstringUUID in the external system


Referenced as ticket

The Ticket object encapsulates all relevant information for managing a support or service request within a ticketing system, tracking its classification and progress from creation to resolution.

idstringThe ticket number (unique identifier for the ticket).
statestringCurrent state of the ticket (e.g., open, closed).
short_descriptionstringA brief description of the ticket.
descriptionstringA detailed description of the ticket issue.
resolved_byUserThe user who resolved the ticket.
requested_forUserThe user for whom the ticket is requested.
created_byUserThe user who created the ticket.
opened_byUserThe user who opened the ticket.
close_notesstringNotes regarding the closing of the ticket.
assigned_to_userUserThe user assigned to work on the ticket.
internal_state_codestringA code representing the internal state of the ticket - mapped to one of: 'NEW', 'WIP', 'WAITING_FOR_USER', 'WAITING_FOR_VENDOR', 'WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL', 'CLOSED', 'RESOLVED', 'NOT_APPLICABLE'.
close_codestringA code indicating the reason for closing the ticket.
created_atstringThe UTC timestamp when the ticket was created.
custom_datamap<string, string>Custom data related to the ticket. Map consists of custom attribute names (as keys) and values.
hold_reasonstringReason for placing the ticket on hold.
itsm_ticket_typestringThe IT Service Management (ITSM) ticket type can be one of 'DEFAULT', 'INCIDENT', 'REQUEST', 'REQUEST_ITEM', 'CALL', 'TASK', 'MISC', 'UNIVERSAL_REQUEST', 'HR_CASE'
ticket_linksTicketLinksLinks to related tickets, such as parent tickets.
integration_idstringAn identifier used for integration with other systems.
assignment_groupstringThe group assigned to work on the ticket.
assignment_group_sys_idstringSystem identifier for the assignment group.
categorystringThe category of the ticket (e.g., hardware, software).
subcategorystringThe subcategory of the ticket, further specifying the nature of the issue.
catalog_itemCatalogItemInformation about the catalog item related to the ticket.
configuration_itemstringThe configuration item related to the ticket issue.
configuration_item_sys_idstringSystem identifier for the configuration item.
prioritystringThe priority level of the ticket.
domainstringThe Domain associated with the ticket.
typestringType of ticket (e.g., issue, request).
contact_typestringThe way in which the ticket was initiated (e.g., email, phone).
resolved_atstringThe UTC timestamp when the ticket was resolved.
activity_logList [TicketActivityItem]Log of all activities associated with the ticket.


Referenced within the Ticket object as activity_log

TicketActivityItem logs individual updates, actions, or communications related to a ticket to form a detailed activity history.

full_textstringThe complete text related to this ticket activity. This field corresponds to the text contained within a comment or work note.


Referenced within the Ticket object as catalog_item

CatalogItem is only populated on tickets that were filed through a standardized request such as a form or catalog item that captures structured data.

idstringUnique identifier for the catalog item within a ticketing system.
namestringThe name of the catalog item.


Referenced within the Ticket object as ticket_links

TicketLinks is only populated on child tickets, where a ticket may have a parent-child connection in a ticketing system.

parentParentTicketObject referring to the linked parent ticket.


Referenced within the TicketLinks object as parent

ParentTicket is a short-form Ticket object only containing the necessary fields to identify the parent ticket.

idstringThe ticket number of the linked parent ticket (unique identifier for the ticket).
itsm_ticket_typestringThe IT Service Management (ITSM) ticket type can be one of 'DEFAULT', 'INCIDENT', 'REQUEST', 'REQUEST_ITEM', 'CALL', 'TASK', 'MISC', 'UNIVERSAL_REQUEST', 'HR_CASE'


Referenced as context

TicketGatewayContext is used to define conditions in which we should execute specific ticket workflows.

system_contextSystemContextContains system-related context information.
skill_contextOne of AccessAccountContext, ConciergeContext, TriageContext, AccessDLContext, FormContext, ChannelContext, AccessSWContext, or NativeApprovalsContextUsed to determine which skill's context to use.


Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as system_context

domainstringThe Domain of the context being evaluated.
ticketTicketInformation about the ticket being evaluated
requestorUserInformation about the user who is making the request.


Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as concierge_context

ticket_type_for_ticket_creation.ticket_typestringThe IT Service Management (ITSM) ticket type can be one of 'DEFAULT', 'INCIDENT', 'REQUEST', 'REQUEST_ITEM', 'CALL', 'TASK', 'MISC', 'UNIVERSAL_REQUEST', 'HR_CASE'
triage_field_mapmap<string, string>Map for triage fields.
ticket_datamap<string, string>Map containing ticket data.


Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as triage_context

field_updatesmap<string, string>Map containing field updates for triage.

AccessDLContext Reference

Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as access_dl_context

approvable_entityApprovableEntityThe Software Access or Groups Access entity


Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as access_account_context

subskillstringThe specific skill subset related to the account access - one of ACCOUNT_UNLOCK, MFA_RESET, EXPIRED_PASSWORD, CHANGE_PASSWORD, FORGOT_PASSWORD
entity_namestringThe name of the entity for access.
authn_system_integration_idstringThe integration ID for the authentication system.

AccessSWContext Reference

Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as access_sw_context

catalog_item_idstringThe ID of the catalog item.
approvable_entityApprovableEntityThe Software Access or Groups Access entity


Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as form_context

is_ticket_route_request_to_close_misfiled_ticketboolIndicates if the request is to close a misfiled ticket.


Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as channel_context

channel_idstringThe unique identifier for the channel.
thread_idstringThe unique identifier for the message thread.


Referenced within the TicketGatewayContext as native_approvals_context

approvable_entityApprovableEntityThe Software Access or Groups Access entity
completed_approvers_emailsrepeated stringEmails of approvers who have completed approval.
pending_approvers_emailsrepeated stringEmails of approvers pending to complete approval.
denied_approvers_emailsrepeated stringEmails of approvers who have denied approval


Referenced as context

Handoff context is used to define a condition in which a specific handoff item would be displayed based on both non-deterministic and deterministic values.

domain_candidatesList [DomainCandidate]List of domains that are strong candidates for relation to the utterance
language_detectedLanguageThe detected language of the user's request
language_preferredLanguageThe preferred language of the user based on their stored language preferences

The Language enums can be found in Moveworks Setup within language preferences.


Also known as DomainCandidate. Referenced as domain or domain_candidates depending on the context.



Referenced as approvable_entity

entityOne of AppEntity, DLEntityThe specific entity requiring an approval or provisioning workflow.
typestringThe type of the approvable entity - one of APP, DL
actionstringThe action requested on the entity - one of ADD_USER, CREATE, REMOVE_USER.
requesterUserThe user making the request.
namestringThe name of the entity.
users_requested_forList [User]Users that the request is for.
itsm_workflowITSMWorkflowThe ITSM workflow associated with the provisioning process.
provisioning_workflowProvisioningWorkflowThe provisioning workflow to be executed.


Referenced as entity within ApprovableEntity

Refers to applications being requested as part of the software access skill.

free_response_answersrepeated string


Referenced as entity within ApprovableEntity

Refers to groups or distribution lists being requested as part of the groups access skill.



Referenced as resource


bookmark_titlestringTitle of the bookmark.
urlstringURL associated with the source.


vendorstringVendor or service used for translation. Use mw:<service-name> for Moveworks internal service for translation.
vendor_request_identifierstringUnique identifier for the translation request made to the vendor.
versionstringVersion of the translation being used.


article_idstringID used by Moveworks to uniquely identify a knowledge article, usually derived from the article's internal ID.
display_idstringAlternate ID for display purposes, sometimes preferred over article_id.
original_idstringID used by knowledge platform to uniquely identify an article.
knowledge_basestringKnowledge base of the knowledge platform.
knowledge_sourceenumKnowledge source from which data have been fetched. Options: UNSPECIFIED, CONFLUENCE, IGLOO, etc.
integration_idstringIntegration ID.
body_pathstringCorresponding to body_path in knowledge_article.proto.
custom_attributesmapCustom attributes with specific data modeling options.

Note: knowledge_source enum includes a variety of options ranging from CONFLUENCE to SLITE and many more.


form_idstringUnique identifier for the form.
html_article_infoHtmlArticleSourceInfoInformation about the associated HTML article.
categoryCompanyFormCategoryInfoCategory information for the form.


idstringUnique identifier for the category.
namestringName of the category.
urlstringURL of the category.


domainstringDomain of the public knowledge base.
html_article_infoHtmlArticleSourceInfoInformation about the associated HTML article.
crawl_namestringName of the crawl used to obtain the information.
crawl_idstringUnique identifier for the crawl.
m3_pathstringPath used in the crawl process.
article_idstringUnique identifier for the article within the public knowledge base.


urlstringURL of the FAQ.
keystringKey identifier for the FAQ.
rowint32Row number of the FAQ within the spreadsheet.
sheet_idxint32Index of the sheet within the spreadsheet.
categorystringCategory to which the FAQ belongs.


pathstringFile path.
resource_idstringUnique identifier for the resource.
namestringName of the file.
extstringFile extension.
resource_typeenumType of the resource. Enum options not provided in the message details.
external_systemmessageExternal system information. Message type details not provided.
urlstringURL of the file.