Identity/ Bot access Issues Troubleshooting Guide

Scenario 1: Sorry, I’m still getting things ready for you behind the scenes. Check back again later

Solution 1: If the user was added recently, wait for the next identity ingestion cycle to complete.

Identity ingestion runs 6 times a day (approx every 4 hours). Please refer the Moveworks Ingestion schedule for details.

Solution 2:This message indicates that the user does not have a complete 360 Moveworks identity profile. This means a key component of the user’s identity is missing, likely the user does not exist in the “primary source” system in the user identity flow configuration (MW Setup > User Identity > Ingest Users).

  • Verify the user is being pulled from the primary source system
  • Check if the user is not being filtered out by any of the filters added in the Ingest users configuration
  • The users who (1) don't have a value for the joining key or (2) don't have an email address are dropped during ingestion.
    Additionally, check if the user is getting filtered out using any of the user filter processor.

Scenario 2: Hi there, I've not been enabled to chat with you yet.

Solution:This error indicates that the user is not on the allowlist managed on the Moveworks Bot Access Rule. Add the user to the bot access rule. If there is an existing complex rule in place, you can tack on: OR user.email_addr IN ["[email protected]"]

Scenario 3: User receives default App Store Message (MS Teams)

Solution:Verify that the user’s tenant ID matches, the Microsoft Teams Tenant Id in the Moveworks Setup Chatbots > Manage Chatbot MS Teams configuration for the bot.

If the user record is stale for more than 7 days, we assume that the user is not present in the Moveworks user roster and the user will not have access to bot.

Scenario 4: You cannot send messages to this bot because you’ve blocked it (MS Teams)

Solution:Suggest the user to click on the three dots next to the bot and click on.

Scenario 5: The user can see the App in the chat system but cannot message and receive a response (MS Teams)

Solution:This could be a problem with the App Permission Policy. To solve this, confirm the user has permissions to access the app in Teams and recommend the user to Log out/ Log back in. You may need to reach out to the relevant team who has Teams administrator role.

👉 For any other types of errors or failures related to user ingestion, please contact the Moveworks Support team.

Scenario 6: The user can see the App in the chat system but cannot message and receive a response (MS Teams): "You cannot send messages to this bot"

Solution:This could be a problem with the App Permission Policy. To solve this, confirm the user has permissions to access the app in Teams and recommend the user to Log out/ Log back in. You may need to reach out to the relevant team who has Teams administrator role.

👉 For any other types of errors or failures related to user ingestion, please contact the Microsoft Support team.

Scenario 7: User can access the bot, but is getting "This link has expired" when opening web links/Teams Chat Modal

Usually this is indicative of the roster being stale, so the bot is unable to authenticate the user in the Web Modal. Double check your identity configuration, and connectors to ensure Moveworks can connect to your system properly, and there are no errors in the identity configuration.