Lab Guide #1

Sign up for a developer trial of Salesforce and JIRA

  1. Sign up for a free Salesforce Developer Instance. Ensure you use a personal email address, as sometimes company email addresses already have one allocated. If you are challenged with a "birth city" and you didn't or don't remember filling it in, the default is San Francisco.

    1. Did not receive an account activation link?
      1. Go to Forgot Your Password to reset your password
  2. Sign up for a free JIRA Trial Account. Ensure you use a personal email address, as sometimes company email addresses already have one allocated. This trial will be good for 30 days.

If you do not wish to sign up for a Salesforce Developer Instance, you can leverage one that Moveworks has provisioned with an existing connector.

Access Moveworks Copilot via Microsoft Teams

  1. Navigate your preferred browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome etc.) to or use the Microsoft Teams app

  2. Login with your preassigned account
    ex. [email protected]

  3. Once authenticated, you should see an App pinned on the left menu. There is no difference between them in functionality but you will see one of these 2 icons.

    This is the bot you will be interacting with when testing your plugins.

Access Creator Studio via Azure portal

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal.

  2. Login with your preassigned account
    ex. [email protected]

  3. Once authenticated, on the left pane click “Apps”

  4. Find the tile called “Developer Labs” or “Developer Hackathon” and click on it


  5. You should now be logged into the Developer Console and it should look like this:

    Create a connected app in Salesforce

Skip this section if you have not signed up for your own Salesforce instance
We must set up a connected app in Salesforce to obtain API credentials.

  1. Navigate to Setup

  2. On the left bar, navigate to Apps > Apps Manager, then choose the “New Connected App” button on the top right corner.

  3. In “Basic Information”, fill in the required fields. You can use the following in the screenshot

  4. Click “Enable OAuth Settings” and enter the following information.

    • Callback URL:
    • Selected OAuth Scopes:
      • Manager user data via APIs
      • Perform requests at any time
      • Check “Enable Client Credentials”
      • Leave PKCE, Secret for web server flow and other boxes unchecked

  5. Save your changes and you will see a message saying it could take up to 10 minutes for changes to take effect. Click “Continue”.

  6. On the left sidebar, go back to Apps->App Manager

  7. Find the connected App you just created, and on the right side click the dropdown and select “Manage”

  8. Click the “Edit Policies” button

  9. If the settings below are not already, set OAuth Policies to the following

  10. On the bottom under “Client Credentials Flow” choose “Run As” and you can select your own name as the user to authenticate as and Click Save. You must click the magnifying glass to find your name to select from existing users.

  11. Navigate again to Apps->App Manager

  12. Find the connected App you just created, and on the right side click the dropdown and select “View”

  13. Click “Manager Consumer Details”

  14. You may be asked to verify your identity. Salesforce will send a code to the email you registered your Salesforce account with.

  15. Once you verify, you should see a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Be sure to copy and paste both of those values to use later.

Create a JIRA API token

  1. Navigate to

  2. Click “Create API Token”

  3. Call it “Moveworks” or whatever you like and click “Create”

  4. It will generate a token for you. IMPORTANT: Make sure to copy and paste this token down on a notepad for later use. Once you generate it here you will not be able to view it again.

The automation scenario

You are a developer at your firm who has used Moveworks to solve HR and IT tasks. They are now looking to expand into the Sales and Support domain. Salesforce is used often by sales representatives to retrieve account information and the support team logs cases in Salesforce for existing customers. The engineering team does not have access to Salesforce and uses JIRA to track issues, so typically phone calls or meetings are required in order to communicate support tasks that are initiated from customers. The goal is to give Sales reps the ability to look up information about their accounts, for support staff to log cases through Moveworks, and to automate creating a task in JIRA for the engineering team to be made aware of with the details.

Agentic Automation fundamentals

The Authentication mechanism used to connect to a system. Contains the system’s base URL in addition to the API Auth mechanism (OAuth, Basic, etc). Once established, connectors can be reused to create more use cases via API call.

The invocation of an API endpoint call using a connector. Actions will execute a singular API call - it defines the inputs required to make the API call as well as the expected response.

Compound actions
Controls the execution logic and data mapping of a singular action or sequential actions. Actions can be chained together to pass input and output to and from each action. Compound actions are then published as plugins to become available in the bot.

Once a compound action is published as a plugin, the plugin gives the developer the ability to customize the behavior of the compound action in addition to prompts that would make the plugin trigger in-bot.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Actions cannot be published as plugins, only compound actions can. An action must be referenced in a compound action, and the compound action must be published as a plugin in order to be deployed to the bot

Connectors and actions

A connector and action can be created at the same time so long as the auth is taken care of when building an action.
Let’s walk through a tutorial on building an action with Salesforce. In this case we will build the “Lookup Account By Name” action.

  1. Navigate to the “Plugins” section on the top bar

  2. Navigate to the “Actions” section and on the top right choose “CREATE”

  3. If you HAVE NOT signed up for a Salesforce instance and will be using Moveworks instance, follow this step and skip to step 11. If you have your own instance, please complete the next steps starting with 4.

    From the dropdown, choose “sfdc_hackathon” and click Apply.

  4. You will need a Base URL for your Salesforce instance. To find out what this is, go to your Salesforce instance at the login page and retrieve it from the URL. You may have to logout to retrieve this. You can also retrieve the URL from your registration email from Salesforce.

  5. Insert the Base URL into the “Base URL” section of the Action. Make sure you leave the API request as a “GET”

  6. Now we will set up the Authorization. Under the “Authorization” tab choose “Oauth2”.

  7. Then choose an Oauth2 Grant type of “Client Credentials”
    Insert the Salesforce Consumer Key and Secret that you retrieved from prior steps

  8. The OAuth token URL will be your Base URL from step 3 in addition to /services/oauth2/token. See the example below. Your OAuth2 Client Authentication will be “OAuth 2.0 with Request Body”

  9. Pick Json as the response type:

  10. Finally in the “Bearer Auth Value Pattern” enter Bearer %s as seen below. This tells Moveworks what format to pass the extracted token in the header.

  11. We are going to be using the “query” API in Salesforce in order to retrieve the account by name. The path for this is /services/data/v59.0/query - insert that into the “Endpoint URL” section.

  12. Now that we’ve set up the Auth, move over to the “Header” section and add the following key Content-Type and value application/json. This tells the Salesforce API it will be transacting in JSON.

  13. Now navigate to “Params”. This is where we will pass the SOQL query to the API. Add a parameter with a key of q and the value will be

    SELECT Id, BillingAddress, Description, Industry, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = '{{account_name}}' LIMIT 1

    Note the “account_name” field in double curly brackets {{}} - this is telling Moveworks it needs to collect the account name within the conversation as a required input in order to proceed with this action. It is dynamically populated and collected within the conversation.

  14. Now navigate to “Input Variables” - you should see that the account_name variable has been detected in the API call and it is of type “string” which is correct. You should also provide a “Example Value” so that we can finally test our API by passing an example account name to it and validate the schema is correct. You can use “GenePoint” as your example value since that account should exist in all trial instances of Salesforce.

  15. Click the “TEST” button. If your API call is successful you should see the output in the example below. Click “GENERATE FROM RESPONSE” - this will populate the Output Schema. There is no need to edit this, but it does help Moveworks understand the format of the output.

  16. Click “SAVE” and you will be prompted for some information. First is the connector name - this is the name of the connector you will be so that you can use it going forward.


    IMPORTANT Ensure you name the connector in this format firstname_lastname_sfdc.

    This will ensure you know you are using YOUR connector since there are many people at once doing the same exercise in this environment. Similarly, do the same for the API Name as firstname_lastname_Lookup_Account_by_Name, seen below. The API Name field will be the official name of this action.**

    Ensure you click the Save button again once the dialog below is completely filled out!

Create a compound action for this action

In this exercise we will include the Action in a Compound Action. This will allow us to have control over what values are being returned to the user.

  1. Select “Compound Actions” from the left pane and CREATE from the top right.

  2. Name the compound action with the same naming convention we used to build an action. . Add the compound action description as seen below as well.
    Or copy paste from here:
    Lookup an account by its name in Salesforce

  3. In “Script Editor” you can select “Command-K” in MacOS or “Control-K” in Windows to bring up the sensing dropdown.

  4. Under “Actions”, find the action you just created by searching firstname_lastname and select it.

    You will now see something like this.

  5. We can now start to fill out the other fields. Use the following code snippet to complete the script:

 - action:
     action_name: <firstname_lastname>_Lookup_Account_by_Name
       on_complete: Found info for {{data.account_name}}
       on_pending: Searching Salesforce for {{data.account_name}}
       account_name: data.account_name
     output_key: account_info
 - return:
           - id: data.account_info.records[0].Id
             friendly_id: data.account_info.records[0].Name
           - data.account_info.records[0]

Notes on the above syntax:
data: This is the global mechanism to reference data within a compound action.
output_key: this is the variable that will hold the payload of the resulting action. Notice that we are referencing it in the “return” block and returning the Id and Description from the payload
action_id: The unique GUID of the action being called
progress_updates: Notifications from the bot to the user. Notice you can reference fields dynamically within “data” using curly braces ie. {{data.account_name}}
input_args: the input for the action. The input_args can come from the input the bot has collected from the user, or it can be data from a prior action.
return: The data to return from the action. This gives the developer fine control of relevant data to pass as a result of running this compound action.
NOTE: In the return statement the syntax is telling Moveworks what the unique Id is, friendly name, and passing the entire object. This will allow the copilot to take care of field and value mapping for us and also provide a citation of the actual API call.

  1. Tab over to “Input Fields”. Add a variable called “account_name”, a description of “Account Name”, Example of “GenePoint” and a type of “string”

  2. Click “Submit”

Publish this compound action to an plugin

  1. Navigate to the Compound Action you just created by finding your “firstname_lastname” naming convention. Click on the 3 dots menu on the top right and click “Publish Compound Action to Plugin”

  2. For “Use Case Name” continue using the naming convention of “firstname_lastname_sfdc_retrieve_account_by_name”. For Short Description and “Informational message to the user during execution” use “Lookup an account by its name in Salesforce”. Leave “User consent required before execution” unchecked. All fields must be filled in in order to proceed with publication of the plugin.

  3. Click next to the “Define Triggering” step. Moveworks will show you example prompts or questions a user may ask in order to trigger this. Moveworks is using GenAI here to provide you with example utterances that would trigger this plugin so that you don’t have to. Choose 5 examples that should trigger.
    Note: You will need at least 5 positive examples to move on to the next step.

  4. Click next to “Set up launch”. This determines which user(s) the use case will be launched to. Don’t worry about checking “Yes, it’s ready to be launched into production”. IMPORTANT: Make sure you select “Launch to selected emails” and manually enter your email in the address below. This will ensure that only you can trigger this use case and it will not be launched to anyone else.

  5. Click Submit and wait a few minutes for the plugin to become available in the bot.

Test your plugin

  1. Navigate to your bot in Teams and try an utterance that should trigger the plugin.

  2. Note that Moveworks is using GenAI to show the relevant fields. Also view the citation by clicking on it.

  3. Moveworks shows you the source of information and details for each plugin