How to guides for Lookups

I want to customize the lookups discovery experience

  1. I want to customize label for Lookups Discovery Button

    1. Navigate to Lookups > Lookup Configs

    2. Find Label for "Lookups" Discovery Button

    3. Input the preferred label for the button

    4. Submit the changes

    5. Once you submit the changes, the label text will be updated

  2. I want to customize the list of Sample Queries shown to users

    1. Navigate to Lookups > Lookup Configs

    2. Scroll to find Sample Queries to Try in the Lookups Discovery Card

    3. Add, edit, or delete the sample queries

    4. Submit the changes

    5. Once you submit the changes, the Lookups Discovery Card will display the updated queries

I want to customize how lookup results are displayed

  1. I want to customize fields shown in people lookup results card

    1. Navigate to Lookups > Lookup Configs

    2. Scroll to find Override default fields in People Lookup Card Results Configs

    3. Add or delete the fields that you want to show in the people lookup results card

    4. Submit the changes

    5. Once you submit the changes, the selected fields will be shown in people lookup results card



    This config will replace all the fields defined in the 'Default Fields' for People Lookups.

  2. I want to customize fields shown in places lookup results card

    1. Navigate to Lookups > Lookup Configs

    2. Scroll to find Override default fields in Places Lookup Card Results Configs

    3. Add or delete the fields that you want to show in the places lookup results card

    4. Submit the changes

    5. Once you submit the changes, the selected fields will be shown in places lookup results card



    This config will replace all the fields defined in the 'Default Fields' for Places Lookups.

  3. I want to customize the field titles for the people and places lookup fields

    1. Navigate to Lookups > Lookup Configs

    2. Scroll to find Customize default field titles for people and places in the Additional Settings for Lookup Result Field Configs

    3. Add (or delete) the default field titles as keys and desired field titles as values. For example, if you want first_name to be displayed as First Name, then first_name will be the key and First Name will be the value

    4. Submit the changes

    5. Once you submit the changes, the customized fields titles will be shown instead of default field titles in people and places lookup results card

  4. I want to customize fields shown in case of similar or ambiguous results

    1. Navigate to Lookups > Lookup Configs

    2. Scroll to find Distinguishing fields in case of ambiguous results in the Additional Settings for Lookup Result Field Configs

    3. From the dropdown, select the fields that should be shown to help distinguish between lookup results that are similar or ambiguous

    4. Submit the changes

    5. Once you submit the changes, the selected fields will shown to distinguish results in case of ambiguity

I want to setup or update the conference room details

  1. Navigate to Lookups > Conference Rooms Configs

  2. Select the data source from the dropdown menu to determine where the details will be retrieved from

    1. For OfficeSpace, you don’t need to provide any key or ID

    2. For SpaceIQ, you will need to provide your API key

    3. For Google Sheets, you will need to provide the sheet ID

  3. Submit the changes

  4. Once you submit the changes, the new/updated conference room details will be ingested



There are certain advanced or deprecated configs that we do not recommend modifying. If you need to update those settings, please contact our customer success team for assistance.