Development Lifecycle
Development Lifecycle
Once you've picked an experience to build, you'll want to take the following steps to maximize your chance of launching that experience to production.
Step 1: Understand the use case
A clear understanding of business requirements is essential before you start building. Creating mock-ups make the requirements explicit.
- Use our purple chat builder to create a mock-up.
- Ensure that mock-up follows all our mocking best practices.
Step 2: Identify risks
System API Risk: Make sure the target business system has APIs that will allow your Assistant to integrate with it. For example, if your system only has purchase order APIs, you can't build an invoicing use case using APIs.
There's generally workarounds (email interception, RPA tools, etc.). You can get in touch with our professional services team for help.
Step 3: Build the use case
Once your use case is de-risked, just keep the project on track. Always have a milestone with a target date and report on it regularly. You can follow our delivery schedule templates with a weekly stand-up if you need help with this process.
If you ever get stuck, feel free to ask our community
Step 4: Test the use case
- Get access to any test / UAT business systems
- Identify testers and tell them how to use your use case
- Launch the use case to testers
- After a few days, get sign-off on the experience
Step 5: Launch the use case
- Get access to any production business systems
- Send launch communications to all relevant users about this use case
- Check back after day 1 & day 7 in analytics to make sure everything is working.
Updated about 18 hours ago