StaffBase Access Requirements

As Moveworks has integrated with StaffBase Intranet, we would need the following details to connect our services with your StaffBase instance. Our systems fetch the News Posts stored in your system and serve the user with relevant answers from them.

General Setup


You need to be an ADMINISTRATOR within your StaffBase instance to generate an API Token

You will need the following to connect Moveworks to your StaffBase instance.

  • Generated API Token
    For example, an API token you created looks like: dGVzdDEyMzQ2Nzg6dGVzdD2Nzg=
  • The Base URL of your Staffbase platform.
    For example, the base URL of your Staffbase platform looks like:

👉 Please provide ALL of the above to your Moveworks Customer Success team via an encrypted email.

Generate API Token

The StaffBase API is secured by HTTPS and basic authentication .

Follow the steps outlined in their official documentation to create an API Token:
Creating and Retrieving an API Token

Make sure to set the Access level as Read-only when configuring the token.