APIthon Reference

How APIthon Works

The most important thing to remember about APIthon is that it returns the result from the last line of code

Let's look at some examples:

cookies = 5
more_cookies = 3
cookies + more_cookies

This will give us back 8, because adding cookies is the last thing we did! But if we write:

cookies = 5
cookies + 3
more_cookies = 2

We won't get anything back, because the last thing we did was just make a new variable!

Python vs. APIthon


  1. No Imports
    • You cannot import any external modules or packages
    • You can only use the built-in functions that are available
  2. No Classes
    • You cannot define new classes
    • You must work with existing data types
  3. No Private Methods or Properties
    • Anything that starts with an underscore (_) is off-limits
    • This includes both methods and variables
  4. No External Code
    • All code must be self-contained
    • No accessing external resources
  5. No Multiple Language Support
    • APIthon only works with Python-style syntax
    • No mixing with other programming languages

Size Limits

APIthon also has some size limits:

  • Your code can't be too long (4096 bytes)
  • Your lists can't have too many things in them (2096 bytes)
  • Your numbers can't be too big or too small (4294967296)
  • Your words (strings) can't be too long (4096 bytes/characters)

Using APIthon

Common Operations

APIthon supports many common operations across different data types. Here are the most useful ones you'll likely use:

Working with Numbers (Integers and Floats)

# Basic math operations
number = 5
other = 3
number + other # Addition
number - other # Subtraction
number * other # Multiplication
number / other # Division
number // other # Floor division
number % other # Modulus (remainder)
number ** other # Power# Comparison
number > other # Greater than
number < other # Less than
number >= other # Greater than or equal
number <= other # Less than or equal
number == other # Equal to

Working with Text (Strings)

text = "Hello"
other = "World"

# String operations
text + other # Joining strings
text * 3 # Repeat string
text.split() # Split into list
text.join(['a','b']) # Join list into string
text.replace('l', 'w') # Replace characters

Working with Lists

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

# List operations
my_list.append(4) # Add item to end
my_list.pop() # Remove and return last item
my_list.remove(2) # Remove specific item
my_list.index(1) # Find position of item
my_list.sort() # Sort the list
my_list.reverse() # Reverse the list
my_list.extend([4,5]) # Add multiple items
len(my_list) # Get length of list

Working with Sets

set_a = {1, 2, 3}
set_b = {3, 4, 5}

# Set operations
set_a.add(4) # Add item
set_a.remove(2) # Remove item
set_a & set_b # Intersection
set_a | set_b # Union
set_a - set_b # Difference

Working with Dictionaries

my_dict = {"name": "Alice"}

# Dictionary operations
my_dict["age"] = 20 # Add/update item
my_dict.get("name") # Get value safely
my_dict.keys() # Get all keys
my_dict.values() # Get all values

Common Built-in Functions

len(something) # Get length
str(42) # Convert to string
int("42") # Convert to integer
float("42.5") # Convert to float
bool(1) # Convert to boolean

Remember these important points about functions in APIthon:

  • All functions return values (just like in a Python shell)
  • The last operation's result is what gets returned
  • There are limits on how many operations you can perform
  • If a function name starts with underscore (_), you can't use it

APIthon Examples

Example 1: Converting Names to Uppercase

  output_key: uppercase_names
    names: data.user_list.names
  code: "[name.upper() for name in names]"

This takes a list of names and makes them all UPPERCASE!

Sample Input Payload:

data.user_list.names = ["Alice", "bob", "Charlie"]



Example 2: Calculating Total Points

  output_key: total_score
    scores: data.game_results.points
  code: "total = 0; [total := total + score for score in scores if score > 0]; total"

This adds up all the positive scores in a list!

Sample Input Payload:

data.game_results.points = [10, -5, 20, 0, 15]



Example 3: Organizing a Pet Directory

  output_key: pet_summary
    pets: data.pet_store.animals
  code: |
    pet_types = {}

    for pet in pets:
        pet_type = pet.get('type')
        if pet_type not in pet_types:
            pet_types[pet_type] = []

    summary = ""
    for pet_type in pet_types:
        names = pet_types[pet_type]
        summary += f"We have {len(names)} {pet_type}(s):\n"
        for name in names:
            summary += f"- {name}\n"
        summary += "\n"


This organizes a list of pets by type and creates a nice summary!

Sample Input Payload:

data.pet_store.animals = [
    {"type": "dog", "name": "Buddy"},
    {"type": "cat", "name": "Whiskers"},
    {"type": "dog", "name": "Max"},
    {"type": "fish", "name": "Nemo"}


We have 2 dog(s):
- Buddy
- Max

We have 1 cat(s):
- Whiskers

We have 1 fish(s):
- Nemo

Example 4: Grade Calculator

  output_key: grade_report
    grades: data.student_records.scores
  code: |
    def calculate_grade(score):
        if score >= 90: return 'A'
        if score >= 80: return 'B'
        if score >= 70: return 'C'
        if score >= 60: return 'D'
        return 'F'

    total = 0
    grade_counts = {'A': 0, 'B': 0, 'C': 0, 'D': 0, 'F': 0}

    for score in grades:
        total += score
        grade = calculate_grade(score)
        grade_counts[grade] += 1

    average = total / len(grades)

    report = f"Class Average: {average:.2f}\n\nGrade Distribution:\n"
    for grade, count in grade_counts.items():
        report += f"Grade {grade}: {count} students\n"


This takes a list of grades, calculates statistics, and creates a detailed report!

Sample Input Payload:

data.student_records.scores = [95, 82, 74, 65, 88, 90, 55, 89, 92, 78]


Class Average: 80.80

Grade Distribution:
Grade A: 3 students
Grade B: 4 students
Grade C: 1 students
Grade D: 1 students
Grade F: 1 students


  • Remember to use | after code: to tell the editor that you're about to write multiline code
  • Make sure your indentation is correct - Python is very picky about this!
  • The last line of your code is what gets saved to your output_key
  • Be aware of the size limits when working with collections