How to Guides for Approvals
How to configure attributes shown in approval notifications
To customize the fields that appear in the Approval Card, Moveworks requires the Details mapper to be configured in order to fetch only the required fields from the polled Approval Record. This is used mainly when users need to add or remove anything from the display card.
This configuration is currently internal and needs to be carried out by the Moveworks Support Team.
Navigate to Enterprise Approvals > Advanced Settings under Ticketing Automation module in the left nav bar.
- Find the Default resource additional details mapper here we can define the below mapper which pulls the following fields from the approval record and maps them to the internal Moverworks Key value which will be displayed in the card.
- requested_for
- short_description
- requester
- Ticket number
- Once saved only the above fields will show up in the Approval Card.
{ "requested_for.user_id": "requested_for.user_id.$TRIM() OR $[\"b@nner_augmenting_data\"].ticket.requested_for.record_id.$TRIM() OR NULL", "requested_for.type": { "COALESCE()": { "items": [ { "CONDITIONAL()": { "condition": "val", "context": { "val": "requested_for.user_id" }, "on_fail": "NULL", "on_pass": "\"ITSM_USER_ID\"" } }, "\"RECORD_ID\"" ] } }, "requester.user_id": "requester.user_id.$TRIM() OR $[\"b@nner_augmenting_data\"].ticket.created_by.record_id.$TRIM() OR NULL", "requester.type": { "COALESCE()": { "items": [ { "CONDITIONAL()": { "condition": "val", "context": { "val": "requester.user_id" }, "on_fail": "NULL", "on_pass": "\"ITSM_USER_ID\"" } }, "\"RECORD_ID\"" ] } }, "short_description": "$[\"b@nner_augmenting_data\"].ticket.short_description", "display_pairs": [ { "value": "display_pairs" }, { "value": { "MAP()": { "converter": { "CONDITIONAL()": { "condition": "item.display_value != \"false\"", "on_pass": { "key": "item.label", "value": "item.display_value" } } }, "items": { "SORT()": { "items": "$[\"b@nner_augmenting_data\"].ticket.ticket_vars", "key": "item.order or 0" } } } } } ] }
How to set the default resource type for approvals
Navigate to Enterprise Approvals > Advanced Settings under Ticketing Automation module in the left nav bar.
- Locate the field named "Default Resource Type".
- Click on the dropdown menu in this field.
- Select the type of resource relevant to your integration; for instance, you might choose
How to customize notification strategy for approvals
Navigate to Enterprise Approvals > Advanced Settings under Ticketing Automation module in the left nav bar.
- Find the field labeled "Default Resource Config Action Notification Strategy".
- Select the checkbox to enable or disable notifications depending on your requirements.
- This will allow you to customize how notifications are sent related to actions on this default resource in the approval integration.
Updated 1 day ago