What are actions?

When your plugin executes, it performs varies actions to retrieve & manipulate data.


  • Create a Time Off Request in Workday
  • Retrieve an account's current account manager from Salesforce.
  • Execute a prompt to generate a mermaid diagram.
  • Send a notification to a user.

What type of actions are there?

  • Built-in Actions - Moveworks supports a large number of built-in actions for common AI agent operations. See our reference for the full list.
  • HTTP Actions - Moveworks can make HTTP calls to business systems like Workday, SAP, Salesforce, & ServiceNow. See our Plugin Library for examples.
  • Script Actions - If you're a professional developer, you can always write a script in your favorite language.
  • Compound Actions - You can combine any of the above into a compound action, which adds control flow, progress updates, and more.

How do I use actions in a plugin?

You'll need to add your actions to a Compound Action first. Then promote the Compound Action to a plugin from the Compound Action library.