Configure Ticketing
What is ticketing?
Moveworks ticketing skill empowers bot to
- Send Ticket Notifications — keep employees informed of key updates to their support requests
- Create / File Tickets — allow users to raise new support requests to your service desks
- View Tickets — allow users to lookup details about their latest tickets
- Add Comments to Tickets — allows users to respond to agents on their tickets
- Close Tickets — allows users to close their tickets when their issue is solved
- Reopen Tickets — allows users to reopen their tickets when their issue persists
- Multi-Domain Ticketing — allows users to pick the right service desk to contact when creating a ticket.
For detailed information please visit :
What can you do with the Ticketing module?
This modules allows you to configure:
- Ticketing system and configurations for ticket types
- Ticketing behavior through workflows
- Ticket filters and concierge behavior
- Rich ticket filing setup and ticket nudge configuration
- Make sure you have the connector created for the ticketing system. Visit this page to know more about connectors.
- Make sure that connectors have appropriate permissions assigned. To know more about the permissions required for various systems visit this link.
- Ensure you have Moveworks Setup admin or Moveworks Setup user role assigned before moving on to configurations.
Overview of submodules
Ticket Setup
- Setup the ticketing system you want Moveworks to connect and add the ticket types and ticket data configurations.
- Enable ticket types and select your ticket databases from your end system
- Configure your ticket database table structure and configure default ticket payload for
- Create ticket action
- Update ticket action
- Resolve ticket action
- Reopen ticket action
- Setup ticket ingestion filters and rich ticket filing configuration
Enable system specific ticketing workflows. This module allows you to configure actions that are needed to replicate your current workflow.
- Add Default actions based on conditions
- Add conditional actions which will be triggered if the condition is true.
Workflow identifiers
Workflow identifiers allow configuration for triggering workflows based on some conditions. This allows configuration for default workflows to trigger and conditional workflows to trigger for
- Generate ticket action
- Update ticket action
- Query ticket action
- Resolve ticket action
- Reopen ticket action
Concierge setup
Concierge setup allows configuration for concierge and notification behaviour of the bot
- Configure service portal link behaviour & link to view all user tickets
- Configure ticket state label & assignee label behaviour
- Configure ticket type specific behaviour
Ticket nudge setup
Ticket nudge configurations allows you to configure the nudge behaviour.
- Enable maximum ticket nudge count
- Add ticket nudge query filters.
Advanced Settings
Enable ticketing features parameters to control ticketing behaviour within the bot
I am ready to configure!
Ticketing Setup
Workflows & Workflow Identifier
Concierge & Ticket nudge Settings
Feature Params
How to guides
- How do i configure the bot to create ticket in my service now ticketing system ?
Ticketing actions allows you to configure these ticketing actions which the bot can perform.
- Head over to ingestion setup and start the configuration for service now.
- Map the ticket types with the service now ticket destinations. Follow this guide to complete this setup : Ticketing Setup
- Enable the create ticket payload for the destination.
- Head over to ticketing workflows section and navigate to workflows identifier understand which workflows needs to be used
- If you want to use the default workflow with the create ticket payload configured for the destination select default workflow : Enter "MW_DEFAULT_GENERATE_TICKET_WORKFLOW" in the text box
- If you want to use a custom workflow, Head over to setup workflows and create a new workflow
- Once this is done the bot will be able to create ticket in your ticketing system
- How can I configure filters for tickets that Moveworks accesses? ?
Ticketing filters allows you to filter out tickets that are being ingested in moveworks.
- Head over to Ticket filters sub-module to setup ticketing filters
- In the Standard ticket filters section enter the ticket filters for Universal Ticket fetching filter.
- This will allow to filter ticket based on
- Ticketing system
- Ticket type
- Assignment group
- Ticket creation route
- For eg :
(ticket.integration_id IN ["snow"] AND ticket.contact_type EQ "Email")
- How do I set up filters to manage which users receive bot notifications for ticketing?
Ticketing concierge enables ticket notification updates out of the box.
- To filter out users from notifications you will need to enable a plugin control switch which allows you to define users that are not notifiable for ticket updates.
- Head over to the Plugin controls section under Advanced setting for ticketing. Find the Notifiable users plugin control
- Enable this plugin control and add a DSL rule which allows you to filter out users.
- For eg:
user.email_addr IN [""]
Updated 6 months ago