Lab Resources

Compound action workflow syntax

You can see more about API Script actions and APIThon here

Accessing data payloads in workflows

All data is accessible under the root field “data” as seen below in the JSON example.

Fields at the “data” level (description, subject, and type) can be accessed by referencing the next level using a “.”


  • To access description the syntax would be: data.description
  • To access the jira issue key the syntax would be: data.jira_issue.key

API calls


Create case

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
 "AccountId": "{{account_id}}",
 "Subject": "Customer says its not working",
 "Description": "testing it out again"

Update case

curl --location --request PATCH ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"Comments":""}'


JIRA - Create issue

Hint: JIRA uses Basic Authentication. The username will be your JIRA username from your trial instance and the password will be the token you generated earlier in the exercise.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
   "summary": "Add something to the Kanban board",
   "description": "testing it out again",
     		"key": "KAN"
     		"name": "Task"
 "update": {}


Get groups

curl --location ''

Filter groups

curl --location '') 

Add user to group

curl --location '{{group_id}}/members/$ref' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
 "": "{{user_id}}"

Get groups for a user

curl --location '{{user_email_address}}/memberOf?%24filter=mailEnabled%20eq%20true&%24count=true' \
--header 'ConsistencyLevel: eventual'

SAP Concur

Get user id from email

NOTE: You can pass the current user's email dynamically to any API using "user.email_addr"
curl --location ' eq "{{user.email_addr}}" \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \

Create Expense Report

NOTE: Notice the policy ID is hardcoded. This is intended in order to work with the current policy in the Concur Sandbox instance
curl --location '{{concur_user_id}}/context/TRAVELER/reports' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data '{
    "policyId": "A6D42A825114472FAF402180E20B3751",
    "comment": "{{comment}}",
    "name": "{{report_name}}"

Get Expense Reports for a User

curl --location '{{user.email_addr}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \

Create an Expense Item in an Expense Report

NOTE: Expense Code Types can be LODNG, BUSML, TRAIN, ONLIN, MISCL - representing Lodging, Meals, Train, Internet or Miscellaneous respectively. Transaction Date must be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. PaymentTypeID can remain hardcoded as the value below since that is the only payment method in the SAP Concur Sandbox
curl --location '{{user.email_addr}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data '{    
    "ExpenseTypeCode": "{{code}}",
    "PaymentTypeID": "gWqVl5luZIS$p2GDptAHMavgx7CHH9",
    "ReportID": "{{report_id}}",
    "TransactionDate": "{{date}}",
    "TransactionAmount": "{{amount}}",
    "TransactionCurrencyCode": "USD"   

Advanced concepts

Error handling

Error handling documentation can be found here: Error Handling


If you are familiar with try-catch statements, you can utilize the below skeleton

- try_catch:
       - 400
       - raise:
           message: Error message to display
           output_key: data_error_key
     - action:
         output_key: group_result
         action_id: action_id
           on_complete: On complete message
           on_pending: On pending message
           arg_1: argument