ServiceNow SSP Banner Link to the Moveworks Bot
What is it?
An eye-catching, bot-branded banner at the top of your ServiceNow self-service portal (SSP) that when clicked brings users straight to the bot in chat.

SME Needed and Time to Complete
- ServiceNow Admin - 10-15 min
Moveworks Provided Assets
- Company-branded bot banner
- Moveworks deep link to the bot
How To
Log in to ServiceNow as an administrator
Navigate to Service Portal Configuration and click Branding Editor.
In the editor view, scroll down the left panel, delete any text in Tag Line.
Click Upload an image and select your Moveworks-provided banner.
There are two things left to do now:
- make the banner link to the bot and
- move the search bar to be less obtrusive.
We’ll do this by making a copy of the default search widget with a couple tweaks.
Back in the main ServiceNow admin UI, navigate to the Service Portal → Widgets table and search for the Homepage Search widget.
Click into the record and then click Clone Widget.
In the new copy of the widget, paste the following into the Body HTML template box, being sure to replace
with the link Moveworks provided you:<a href=“https://YOUR.MOVEWORKS.PROVIDED.BOT.MOVEWORKS.LINK”>
<div id="homepage-search" class="hidden-xs wrapper-xl"> <div class="wrapper-xl"> <h2 class="text-center text-4x m-b-lg sp-tagline-color" ng-bind="options.title"></h2> <div ng-if="options.short_description" class="text-center h4 m-b-lg sp-tagline-color" ng-bind="options.short_description"></div> </div> </div> </a> <sp-widget widget="data.typeAheadSearch"/>
The image below shows what we are deleting in red, and what we are adding in green. Very minor tweaks.
Return to Service Portal Configuration and click Designer.
On the following page, find your home page. By default this is called index but it may be called something else in your environment if your organization is using a custom home page.
The following screen gives you a drag and drop layout of your page.
Click the little blue trash can in the upper right corner when hovering over the Homepage Search widget.
Click Yes when asked to confirm (don’t worry you can always add this back anytime).
Search for the new widget copy we made and drag it onto the banner.
If you did it right, it will look like this:
Everything will save automatically.
Finally, open a new browser tab and navigate to your new and improved service portal.
Looking good! Now click the banner, and if you are directed to the bot, you are good to go!
Updated over 1 year ago