Okta OIDC SSO Setup Guide for EXI

Okta App Setup Instructions

  1. Go to the screen in Okta that allows you to create Applications.
  2. Click on Create App Integration.
  1. Select OIDC - OpenID Connect in the next screen.
  1. Specify a name for the application.
  2. Configure the application.
    1. Use https://insights.moveworks.com/login/sso/oidc as the Sign-in redirect URL.
    2. Specify https://insights.moveworks.com as the Trusted Origin.
    3. Configure the access as preferred. This gates the bot access from Okta.
  3. Select options as shown below.
  1. Go back to General Settings and uncheck Require consent.
  1. In order to allow customer users to login without manually inputting email, set the Initiate login URI in General Setting to be https://insights.moveworks.com/login/org/{org_name}/ Reach out to your CS Team if you need {org_name}

Finish the Moveworks side of the integration

After setup is complete, provide the following information to your Customer Success team.

  1. Go to the General tab.
  1. Copy the
    1. idp_client_id
    2. idp_secret
    3. Moveworks' idp_issuer is https://moveworks.okta.com).