Navigate to Creator Studio Connectors within my apps
Select the edit button for the connector you wish to change.
You're taken to a page that resembles the authentication tab when creating a new connector. You are able to edit any fields that need to be changed here.
Secret Values will NOT be revealed.
Please note that your secret key will show up as empty in the UI if it has been previously saved. If you change a non-secret value, but the secret stays blank, the secret will not be changed. However, if you put in a new secret, it will be overwritten.
Client Secret appears blank, however the secret is still stored and not be modified unless overwritten.
After you are done making your edits, press the save button and the connector will be updated with the new values. Changes may take ~3-5 minutes to process.
After changes are saved, go test your connector. To do this:
Go to an action, event, path, or query that is using the edited connector.
Test that the connector is working as intended through the HTTP editor.
Go back to Creator Studio Connectors -> Edit to make any changes after testing.
Repeat if necessary.
This feature is still in Limited Preview. Please request access for it through this community post.
If you request access, you must also acknowledge the following limitations:
Moveworks does not currently support role based access control for connectors. This means that with this features, developers will be edit connectors that they have not created. Please be cautious when editing connectors and ensure that you are editing the correct one.
There is currently no visibility into which plugins will be affected as part of this change. When making connector edits, make sure that you are aware of the plugins you will be affected and do rigorous testing.
How to delete a connector
Navigate to Creator Studio Connectors within my apps
Select the delete icon for the connector you wish to delete.
Confirm that you wish to delete the connector. Please be cautious, it is not possible to undo this change.
If you get an error such as the one picture below, it means that you're connector is still in use in Creator Studio. Please be sure to delete all references of that connector and try again