How to guides: Managing already configured softwares and apps

Self Service Provisioning use-cases

I want to update self-service instructions for the software or app

  1. Navigate to Access Software > Software Catalog.
  2. Click “Edit” corresponding to the software for which you update the self-service instructions.
  3. Ensure you have provisioning strategy selected as Self Service provisioning
  4. Update the Title & Body as per your requirements for self-servicing the software. Tip: It is best to add a self-service URL in the self-service provisioning message body.

I want to update pretext & external links related to the app

  1. Navigate to Access Software > Software Catalog.
  2. Click “Edit” corresponding to the software for which you update the pretext and external links related to the app.
  3. Ensure you have provisioning strategy selected as Self Service provisioning.
  4. Update the Pretext and External links. Refer to the below example for reference.
  1. Submit the changes.

Group-based provisioning use-cases

I want to update the External ID of the Identity system

  1. Navigate to Access Software > Software Catalog.
  2. Click “Edit” corresponding to the software for which you update the External ID of the group.
  3. Ensure you have provisioning strategy selected as Group based provisioning
  4. Change the External ID of the group that backs the software role.
  1. Submit the changes.

Role-based provisioning use-cases

I want to add/ update roles for a software

  1. Navigate to Access Software > Software Catalog.
  2. Click “Edit” corresponding to the software for which you wish to update roles for the software.
  3. Ensure you have provisioning strategy selected as Role based provisioning
  4. If you wish to add a role
    1. Click on the + icon
    2. Add the unique role within the app
    3. Input the description so that users can determine which role is right for them
    4. Add a user-facing name for the role
    5. Add the corresponding external ID of the group that backs the role (This should be derived from the corresponding provisioning system like Okta or AD).
  5. If you wish to delete a role
    1. Click on the delete icon against the role. Please make sure, there are atleast 2 entries in the Role-based provisioning.
  6. If you wish to update a role, simply change the canonical role name, description, user-facing name or external ID as per needs.
  7. Submit the changes.

I want to update hint to the user to indicate which role would suit them best

Common use-cases

I want to enable/ disable a software or app for in-bot provisioning

I want to change the provisioning system

I want to change the approval flows

I want to update provisioning related messages & questions

I want to update ticketing related workflows