Template: Question-and-Answer Article

Sample header 1: How do I format a Question-and-Answer article?

Break down how-to articles into short, numbered steps like below. Some other best practices:

  1. Each header should deal with a specific task or question.
  2. Try to begin each header with "How do I..." or "How can I...".
  3. Question-and-Answer articles may include question marks ("?") in headers, like demonstrated above.
  4. Use actual H1 or H2 formatting for headers, like above.
  5. Avoid additional nested headers.
  6. If possible, limit blocks of text before the numbered steps.

Each header, along with any text below it, will be served as a single snippet in chat.

Sample header 2: Can there be multiple headers per article?

There may be multiple headers per article, each covering a specific task (e.g. one for adjusting calendar views in Outlook, and another for creating a new event).

  1. Sample numbered steps for header 2
  2. Sample numbered steps for header 2

Each of these headers and their text will be served as separate snippets in chat.