New Hire Onboarding [Needs Input]
Welcome to the team! We're excited to have you on board.
To help get you up to speed, we've put together a list of things to square away and familiarize yourself with during your first few days here.
Login credentials
Create passwords for your work computer and accounts, and ensure you can access essential tools.
- Ensure your login credentials work and that you are able to access your work computer.
- Set up Okta. Go to <Needs Input> to get started.
- Set up Slack. Learn more about how to get started here: <Needs Input>.
Compliance training
Ensure you complete the following trainings as soon as possible after starting.
- Harassment Prevention Training: complete this within 72 hours (3 days) of your start date. You can find the training <Needs Input>.
- Data Governance Training: complete this before working with any potentially sensitive data. You can find the training <Needs Input>.
Ticketless support through <Bot name>
Having issues with a particular application? Want to know when the office holidays are? <Bot name> can get you a solution or answer instantly--no need to file a ticket! Just add <Bot name> on <Teams/Slack/other chat platform>. Here are a few things <Bot name> can help with:
- Get you access to software and other tools
- Unlock your accounts in case you forget or lose your credentials
- Request repairs or replacements for malfunctioning hardware at your workstation
If <Bot name> is unable to help with your question or issue, it will automatically connect you with someone who can, and keep you in the loop about the status of your issue.
<Bot name> is also learning to help with questions you may have about payroll, travel expenses, and HR, so stay tuned for updates.
Office policy
For the full office policy guide, go <here>. Some helpful items:
- Requesting IT help: if you have IT-related questions or need troubleshooting, your best bet would be to message <Bot name> on <Messaging tool name>. If <Bot name> is unable to help with your question or issue, you'll be able to file a ticket through <Bot name>, and a live agent will assist you.
- Requesting time off: we currently have no explicit limit on the amount of vacation/PTO time you take during a calendar year, but we do ask that you use discretion with both timing and duration. To request time off, notify your supervisor at least a week in advance, then update your calendar to reflect your availability.
Take advantage of office benefits to help with your commute.
- Get a company <Transit card name>--this allows you unlimited, prepaid rides anywhere on the <Public transportation name> system. Stop by the mail room to pick one up.
- Get a company parking pass if you plan to drive to work most days. This pass gives you access to the parking lot.
Setting up direct deposit
Set up your preferred direct deposit account <Needs Input>. You will also be able to opt into paperless payroll statements.
Setting up benefits
From the first day of hire, you will be eligible to enroll in various benefits.
- Select health, vision, and dental plans. You must finalize your health enrollment within 30 days from your start date. Go <Needs Input> to see what options are available and take your pick. Alternatively, you might choose to opt out of health insurance and receive a monetary compensation in place of coverage.
- Set up your 401k elections {here}. If you would like to opt-out, contact {Benefits email}.
Catered lunch
Lunch is catered from local restaurants <Day of catered lunch>. To see what we've got planned for the month, go <Needs input>.
First week checklist
Finally, here are a few suggestions to prepare yourself for success in your new role:
- Familiarize yourself with the different teams and departments you'll be working with directly.
- Send an email or Slack message introducing yourself to your colleagues and team members.
- Schedule regular meetings with your supervisor and teammates.
- Meet with your supervisor to discuss short-term goals and longer-term expectations for your role.
Updated over 1 year ago