FAQ: Using Zoom
How do I install Zoom?
- To install Zoom to your computer desktop, go to https://zoom.us/support/download.
- To install Zoom to your mobile phone, download the Zoom app (blue and white) from Google Play or the App Store.
What version of Zoom am I running?
- Open your Zoom desktop client.
- In the window that displays, click your Profile picture (upper right corner), then click Check for Updates.
- If there is a newer version, Zoom will automatically download and install it.
Where do I download the latest version of Zoom?
To download the latest version of Zoom to your computer, go to zoom.us/download. (If Zoom is already installed, uninstall it first.)
Joining Zoom meetings
Do I need an account to use Zoom?
You do not need a Zoom account to join a Zoom meeting as a participant. However, a Zoom account is required to create meetings and invite participants.
What are the different ways I can join a meeting?
You can join a Zoom meeting in several ways:
- Click the link in an email or calendar invite that was sent to you.
- Navigate to join.zoom.us and enter the Meeting ID that you received (and a password, if needed).
- (Zoom Room only) Walk into the Zoom Room where the meeting is scheduled, find the meeting on the Controller touch screen (tablet), and tap Join. The meeting displays on the Zoom Room monitor.
A meeting invite
- In the email or calendar invite, click the meeting URL link (it starts with "https").
- (If Zoom is not downloaded to your device) Follow the on-screen prompts to download the launcher.
- (If the host hasn't started the meeting) The on-screen message asks you to standby.
- After the host starts the meeting, when the meeting options window displays, select a tab option (Phone, Computer, or Call Me tab) and click "Join Audience Conference..."
- (If you would like other attendees to be able to see you) Click the Start Video icon (bottom-left corner).
Zoom's website
To join a Zoom meeting from Zoom's online website:
- Navigate to join.zoom.us.
- In the text box that displays, enter the Meeting ID that the host provided (and password if needed).
- Click Join.
Zoom Room touch screen
Note: The first Zoom Room to join a meeting becomes the host. To claim host, you will need to use the "host key" (provided to the host, or whoever set up the meeting for it).
- Go to a conference room that has Zoom Room Controller touch screen.
- On the touch screen, tap Join, enter the 9 to 11 digit Zoom-meeting ID, and tap Join.
- (Optional) Adjust the audio and camera settings.
Zoom Webinars
How do I host a Zoom webinar?
To host a Zoom webinar, just schedule the meeting.
Scheduling a Zoom webinar that requires registration
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- Click Webinars. A list of scheduled webinars, if any, displays.
- Select the Schedule A Webinar tab (top).
- Complete the webinar form and select your preferred settings.
- Click Schedule.
- (Optional) Set up your webinar to approve registrants automatically or manually.
Setting Up a Zoom Webinar for Automatic Approval
Required: Pro, Business, Enterprise, or Education account and a Webinar add-on.
If you would like webinar registrants to automatically be approved, follow these steps once you've created the event:
- Scroll to the bottom of the webinar details page to view the registration options under Invite Attendees.
- Next to Approval, you'll see "Automatically Approve" or "Manually Approve." If it lists Manually Approve, click Edit (on the right).
- Select "Automatically Approve" and click Save All.
- (Optional) Copy the registration URL or the invitation to share with your attendees.
Setting up a Zoom Webinar for Manual Approval
Required: Pro, Business, Enterprise, or Education account and a Webinar add-on.
To manually approve webinar registrants, follow these steps once you've created the event:
- Scroll to the bottom of the webinar details page to view the registration options under Invite Attendees.
- Next to Approval, you'll see "Automatically Approve" or "Manually Approve." If it lists Manually Approve, click Edit (on the right).
- Select Manually Approve and click Save All.
- (Optional) Copy the registration URL or the invitation to share with your attendees.
- (After an attendee has registered) Return to your Webinars page.
- Click the name of the webinar, to view the details.
- Select Edit to the right of Manage Attendees.
- Select the user's name to approve or deny and click Approve or Deny. (You can approve multiple registrants at the same time.) If approved, they will receive an email with information on how to join the Webinar.
Schedule Meetings
Do I need a webcam to participate in a zoom meeting?
If you would like to transmit video of yourself, you will need a webcam, but you do not need one to join a Zoom Meeting or Webinar. (You will be able to listen and speak during the meeting, share your screen, and view the webcam video of other participants.
How Do I Schedule a Zoom Meeting?
- Sign into Zoom and click Schedule to display the Schedule Meeting window.
- Update the meeting settings as preferred. (Some options might be disabled at the Account or Group Level, or because they're currently OFF.)
- Click Schedule and follow the on-screen prompts. A calendar invitation pops up, reflecting the settings that you just entered.
- (Optional) Edit the calendar invite. To schedule as a recurring meeting, check the Repeat box and select your preferences.
- Send the invite to your recipients.
How do I invite others to join my meeting?
To invite others to join your meeting, copy the join URL or meeting invitation and sending it out via email. (There are many other ways to invite others to join your meeting.)
How Do I Schedule a Meeting using the Zoom Chrome Extension?
Prerequisite: The Zoom Scheduler extension must already be installed (it can be installed from the Chrome Web Store).
- Open the Google Chrome web browser.
- Click the Zoom Scheduler icon (blue and white) in the top menu.
- (If not signed in) Sign into your Zoom Account, following the on-screen prompts.
- Select Schedule a Meeting or Start a Meeting and follow the on-screen steps to schedule or start your meeting.
IMPORTANT: When scheduling a meeting through Google Calendar, click Make it a Zoom Meeting to link the Zoom meeting details to the invite.
Zoom Rooms
What is a Zoom Room?
A Zoom Room is a conference room or space that contains hardware (monitor, camera, tablet, etc.) and Zoom software that is set up so you can more easily participate in Zoom meetings (audio conferencing, wireless screen sharing, and video conferencing, white boarding, etc.).
Zoom Rooms can be used by attendees that are physically present in a room, or can include those joining remotely (from another Zoom room, their desktop, or their mobile device).
How Do I Share My Screen from a Zoom Room?
Complete these steps from a Zoom Room:
- Open the Applications folder, and from there, launch Zoom.
- (If prompted) Sign in with SSO and authenticate with Okta.
- Click Share Screen.
How Can I Take Over as the Host of a Zoom Room Meeting?
- From a Zoom Room, use the on the Zoom Rooms Controller to start or join the meeting.
- Tap the Manage Participants icon. A participant list displays.
- Tap Claim Host. The claim host windows displays.
- Enter your 6-digit host key and tap OK.
Your Zoom Room is now hosting the meeting!
Managing Zoom Meetings
How Can I Take Over as Host?
To take over as Zoom meeting host:
- Go to a Zoom Room and use the Zoom Room's Controller to start or join the meeting.
- Tap the Manage Participants icon to show a list of participants.
- Tap Claim Host.
- In the claim host window, enter your 6-digit host key and tap OK. Your Zoom Room is now hosting the meeting!
- (To get your host key) Sign into the Zoom web portal. In the navigation panel, click Profile. Scroll to the Host Key section and select Show to display your current 6-digit pin.
How do I share my screen?
- In a Zoom meeting, click Share Screen (bottom).
- In the options window that displays, click the Tabs for more options.
- Select Desktop 1 or another option > Share. Viewers can now see what you’re sharing!
Note: To change what you're sharing: In the top menu, click Stop Sharing (red button), Pause Sharing (black button), or New Share (black button).
Recording Zoom
How do I record a Zoom meeting on my computer?
Before the meeting:
- Test the Record feature before the meeting to check that it is enabled. If it isn’t, submit a request to IT to enable it for you.
- Keep your computer awake until the recording file displays (otherwise the recording can fail).
Record the Zoom meeting:
- Join a Zoom meeting as the host.
- Click Record. The “Recording…” indicator verifies that recording is in progress.
- (When the meeting ends) Keep your computer up and running until the recording files displays, so you can access them.
How do I pause or stop a Zoom meeting that’s being recorded?
To pause or stop an in progress recording, click Pause/Stop in the menu bar. When paused, the “Recording Paused” indicator displays.
Important: If you STOP and start the recording) A NEW video file is created for the new segment. However, if you PAUSE and restart a recording) The SAME video file will continue to record.
I’d like to have a participant record the meeting, what do I need to do?
To enable a participant to record a Zoom meeting for you:
- In the Zoom Meeting, click Manage Participants to display the Participants menu.
- Go to the participant’s name and click More > Allow Record. They receive a notification of the enabled privilege.
(To disable the participant’s ability to record:)In the Participants menu, go to the participant’s name and click More > Forbid Record. They will receive a notification of the disabled privilege.
Where do I find my Zoom recording?
You can record your Zoom meeting or webinar locally to your computer or to the Zoom cloud if you have a license. (Files stored on the cloud can be accessed on your desktop or from the web. Locally recorded meetings and webinars can only be accessed on the computer that recorded the meeting.
Here's how to find and view recordings from the Zoom client or the Zoom web portal.)
Accessing Local computer (Windows or Mac)
Viewing your recordings on the Zoom client will show all cloud recordings done by this user and any local recordings by this user on this computer. It will not show local recordings done on a different computer, even if the same Zoom account was used.
- Log in to the Zoom client.
- Click Meetings > the Recorded tab. Any recorded meetings display.
- Select the recording you want to view.
- Local recordings: Have options the to Play, Play Audio, Open, or Delete.
- Cloud recordings: only have the option to Open. If you click Open, it will open your default web browser to the recording files on the Zoom web portal.
Accessing Local Recordings on the Web
Recordings are visible when these Zoom client versions were use to record: Windows v.4.0.25513.0228 or later, or Zoom client for Mac version 4.0.25513.0228 or later.
- Log in to the Zoom web portal.
- Navigate to My Recordings and click the Local Recordings tab. Different meeting details display.
Note: If you click Delete to remove a recording from the list, it will no longer appear in your web portal, but it will still be stored on the computer where it was recorded.
More Zoom Features
How do I add or remove a virtual background?
- In a Zoom meeting, click Settings (shield icon, upper left) > Virtual Background.
- Select an image or upload your own by clicking +Add Image. (To remove a background select None.)
How do I touch-up my appearance during a call?
Use the Touch-up My Appearance feature to add a soft focus to your entire screen:
- In a Zoom meeting, click Settings (shield icon, upper left) > Video.
- Then select "Touch-up my appearance" if it's not selected.
How can I write on my screen during a meeting?
You can use Zoom’s Whiteboard feature to "annotate" your screen.
During a Zoom meeting, click Share Screen (bottom) > Whiteboard > Share. Then use any of the annotation tools that display.
How do I integrate my calendar with Zoom (computer)?
The fastest and easiest way to schedule Zoom meetings with your existing calendaring system is with the Zoom Scheduler Extension (or Plug-In for Outlook)
- Download one of these Zoom options:
- "Scheduler Extension" from the Chrome Web Store
- Microsoft Outlook Add-in (located in your app toolbar)
- Schedule your meeting as usual. When prompted, click Make it a Zoom Meeting. The Zoom details are added to your invite!
Remember: Add your calendar to your Zoom desktop app.
Zoom Settings
How do I update my personal information?
Change your personal information in Zoom through the web portal or the desktop client by signing in, and clicking Profile.
Update personal profile through the web (Zoom Web Portal):
- Go to www.zoom.us
- Sign in using your single-sign-on (SSO) credentials.
- Then, log in using your usual credentials, such as firstname.lastname.
- When the Profile page displays, update your personal information:
- To edit your profile picture, click Change (middle of the screen).
- To edit your Settings, click Settings (left panel). Some options might be "locked" by IT and cannot be edited.
Update personal profile through the Zoom Desktop Client:
- Sign into your Zoom Desktop Application.
- Click your account picture or initials (top-right).
- Select Settings from the drop down menu to display the extended Settings option.
More ways to join meetings
There are many ways to join a Zoom meeting.
You can join by using the Desktop Client, Mobile App Meeting ID, Mobile App through Calendar Integration (Meetings), and Audio (Computer Audio, Call Me, and Phone Call feature).
The Zoom Desktop Client enables you to join a meeting through any of these methods:
- Meeting ID
- Calendar Integration
- Outlook Desktop application
- Zoom Mobile Application
- Audio
Meeting ID
To join a Zoom meeting via Meeting ID:
- Open the Zoom Desktop Client on your computer. (If not already signed in to the Desktop Client, make sure you sign in first using SSO.)
- Click Join on the Desktop Client.
- Enter in the meeting's Meeting ID.
- Click Join. You're launched into the meeting based on the Meeting ID you entered.
Calendar Integration
To join a Zoom meeting via Calendar Integration:
- Open your Zoom Desktop Client.
- Click the Meetings tab.
- Find the meeting that you want to Join, or the one that you scheduled.
- Click Start if you're the Host, or Join if you're a Participant. You're launched into the meeting!
Outlook Desktop Application
To join a Zoom meeting via Outlook Desktop Application:
- Open your Outlook Client.
- Navigate to your Calendar.
- Open the Meeting Invitation.
- Click Join Meeting or the link in the Invite. Your browser opens.
- Click Open zoom.us. You're launched into the meeting!
Zoom Mobile App
The Zoom Mobile Application enables you to join a meeting through any of these methods:
- Meeting ID
- Calendar Integration (Meetings)
- Mail Client (Outlook)
Mobile App Meeting ID
To join a Zoom meeting using the Mobile App Meeting ID:
- Open the Zoom App on your Apple device.
- Click Join.
- Enter the Meeting ID and click Join.
Mobile App through Calendar Integration (Meetings)?
To join a Zoom meeting the Mobile App Calendar Integration (Meetings):
- On your mobile device, launch your Zoom App.
- Go to the Meetings tab.
- Tap Start if you're the Host, or Join if you're a Participant. You're launched into the meeting!
Mobile App's Mail Client (Outlook)?
To join a Zoom meeting using the Mobile App Mail Client (Outlook):
- Open your Outlook E-Mail Application.
- Navigate to the Calendar.
- Locate the meeting that you're hosting or participating in and tap on the Zoom URL in the Location field. Your Zoom App launches on your Phone and you're connected to the Meeting.
You can join a Zoom Audio call using any of these three features:
- Computer Audio (recommended)
- Call Me
- Phone Call
Computer Audio feature:
To join a Zoom call using the Computer Audio feature:
- Click Join Audio. If audio options display, continue.
- Click Join With Computer Audio.
- Note: This feature will use your computer's microphone and speaker, and the internet connection (VOIP).
Call Me feature:
The Call Me feature allows Zoom to call you at a phone number that you designate. To join a Zoom call using the Call Me feature:
- On the Audio pop-up, click Call Me.
- Enter the phone number that Zoom should call.
- (Optional) Check the box next to "Remember the number on this computer."
- When Zoom calls the number entered, answer to join the call.
Phone Call feature
The Phone Call features allows you to call in yourself using the numbers provided. To join a Zoom call using the Phone Call feature:
- On the Audio pop-up, click Phone Call.
- Select the Country that you're dialing from (this provides you with the correct Zoom Dial In).
Zoom Waiting Rooms
What is the the Zoom Waiting Room feature and how does it work?
The Zoom Waiting Room feature allows hosts to control who may access a Zoom meeting and when.
- For the feature to work properly and to ensure security, you must schedule a Zoom meeting from the Desktop Client while you're authenticated through your single-sign on credentials.
- Here's how it works:
- Participants that join your meeting, who have an internal-company Zoom account and are signed in, will not need to be admitted one-by-one, but will join your meeting when you (the host) Start or Join it.
- Guests, such as vendors or internal users who aren't logged in, will need to you manually admit them into the meeting.
What is the Zoom Waiting Room experience like for participants, before the Host joins?
If a user joins a meeting before the Host starts the meeting, they will be added into the meeting's Waiting Room with a notification that the meeting hasn't started. Once the Host joins, participants with an internal-company Zoom account will be let into the meeting and can connect as usual.
How do I admit a Guest into a Zoom waiting room?
When you're all logged into the meeting, Guests appear on your Participant List:
- Click Participant on the Zoom Meeting Client to display the Participant List on the right side of your Meeting Client.
(Guests, such as vendors, external users, or internal users who are not logged into their Zoom account correctly, show up there.) - Manage partipants:
- For those that you know or are expecting, click Admit to allow them into the meeting.
- For those that you don't recognize, click Remove to remove them from the Meeting.
Add ins, Syncing
How do I log into my Zoom Outlook Add-in to schedule meetings?
To sign into your Zoom Outlook Add-in:
- Go to your Outlook Application.
- Open a New Meeting Invite to schedule (you'll see the Zoom Add-In there).
- Click Settings to display a sidebar menu (right side of your Outlook Client).
- In the "Enter your company domain" field, enter the needed information and click Continue. (Ignore the suggestion to AutoCorrect the word.)
- When prompted, enter your single-sign on (SSO) credentials.
- Sign In with your standard information, such as firstname_lastname. Once signed in via SSO, the Sidebar for the Add-in shows you the standard meeting scheduling Options. Now you're signed in and ready to schedule meetings!
How do I sync my calendar to the Zoom mobile app (for iOS)?
You can use the Zoom mobile app to check your calendars for Zoom meetings and add them to “Upcoming Meetings” in Zoom. (If you have reminders enabled, Zoom will send you reminders for Zoom meetings added to these calendars.)
- Zoom Mobile App for iOS is installed on your device
- Calendars added in iOS Calendar app
Setting up Synced Calendars:
- Sign into the Zoom mobile app.
- Tap Settings > Meetings > Synced Calendars.
- Switch the “Sync Zoom Meetings from Calendars” option ON.
- Select any calendars that you want to sync with Zoom. A blue check mark displays next to the selected calendars.
Joining Meetings from Synced Calendars:
- Tap Upcoming to display a list of upcoming meetings.
- Tap the Meeting you want to join.
- Tap Join.
Zoom security features
What are the Zoom Meeting Security features?
The Zoom Meeting Client provides the Security Toolbar, a feature that enables meeting hosts to add security layers to a meeting. To access the Security feature:
- Click the Security Toolbar in your Zoom Meeting Client.
- Select any option, such as Lock Meeting, Enable Waiting Room, Share Screen, Chat, or Rename Themselves (Host Only).
Can I Use Bluetooth Headset on Zoom Meetings?
Yes, as long as the Bluetooth device is compatible with the computer or mobile device that you are using.
My Zoom Account
How do I reset my password?
You can reset your password at zoom.us/forgot password.
What role do I have on my Zoom account?
To access your Zoom account profile, login to the Zoom web portal and navigate to the Account Profile page, where your Role is defined.
Where can I find my account owner?
To determine your account's owner, log into the Zoom web portal and navigate to the Account Profile page.
Updated about 1 year ago