FAQ: Facilities [Needs Input]

What do I do if I lost or forgot my badge?

If you lost your badge, immediately inform <Facilities email> so they can disable the original badge.

If you have forgotten your badge at home, request a temporary badge by contacting <Facilities email>.

I forgot to bring my laptop to work, can I request a loaner?

Loaner laptops are not provided. Preparing and deploying a laptop takes a substantial amount of time, so if you forget your laptop your best bet would be to go back and retrieve it.

How do I report lost or stolen equipment?

If you've lost equipment, double-check any recent locations you may have used it. Contact lost and found departments if you suspect the equipment was lost on public transit or other public spaces. To report lost or stolen equipment, contact <Facilities email>. You can request a replacement by contacting <Facilities email>.

How do I request a phone or laptop for travel?

You can request a phone or laptop by contacting <Facilities email>. Be prepared to offer business justification for your request.

How do I request office supplies?

You can request office supplies by contacting <Facilities email>.

Where is the <location> office?

The office is at <address>.

Please present your badge at the front desk.

How do I request repairs or maintenance?

You can request repairs or maintenance by <Facilities maintenance email>.

How do I report that the air conditioning or heating is too low?

If you are uncomfortable with the temperature in the office, <Facilities maintenance email>.

What address should I use to ship packages to the office?

Please have packages shipped to <address>.

What is the office COVID-19 protocol?

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the office is practicing these measures:

  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms, or live with someone who has COVID-19, inform your supervisor and stay home.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds.
  • Workstations, desks, printers, and other high-touch surfaces will be disinfected nightly.
  • To enable social distancing, there is a limit to the number of people in the office at the same time.

How do I report COVID-19 exposure?

To report COVID-19 exposure, inform <Facilities email> as soon as possible. To prevent potential spread, please stay home and refrain from visiting the office until you have been symptom-free for at least 10 consecutive days.

How do I retrieve items left in the office before COVID?

If you need to retrieve items left in the office, contact <Facilities email>.