Internal Knowledge Setup - ServiceNow


Before you begin configuring Internal Knowledge, you should have:

  1. Connectors up and running.
    1. Connectors are objects that establish an authenticated way of communication between your knowledge instance and Moveworks.
  2. Ensure the added connector has appropriate permissions.
  3. Ensure you have permission to set up KB configuration in Moveworks. Please contact your admin for the right permissions.

Create new ingestion

To begin configuring Internal Knowledge head to Knowledge in the Moveworks Setup sidebar and then Setup. Any past knowledge configurations will show up here as saved configurations.

To set up a new configuration, click on Create Ingestion.

Connector and Domain Selection

  1. Click on the drop down menu underneath Select a Connector.

  2. Select the ServiceNow connector. After you’ve done so, click on Next: Select KB to select a domain.

  3. On the next page, choose the appropriate domain for your knowledge from the dropdown menu under Domain.

    1. Moveworks uses the term “Domain” to describe functional areas of employee service that can be predicted by the bot without any custom configuration.
    2. Moveworks supports up to eight domains by default. You can always click on Back to return to this page to change the selected domain during the knowledge configuration process, but the domain cannot be changed after you submit the configuration.

After you’ve chosen the relevant domain, click on Next: Select KB to select the knowledge base you’d like to ingest.

Select Knowledge Base

Select Knowledge Base

Knowledge bases are collections of knowledge articles. Once you have selected a connector, Moveworks makes a live call to your Knowledge Base System to pull all the knowledge bases available in the system.

Depending on your use case, you may choose to use Advance Mode to ingest your knowledge base. You should use Advance Mode if you need custom tables as part of the configuration, or if you require custom filtering of articles. If this is the case proceed to the Advance Mode section.

  1. View the list of knowledge bases and click on the checkbox to select the knowledge bases that are relevant to the domain you chose in the previous step.

    • On the Validation page at the end you will see an approximate number of articles pulled based on your configuration. There will also be sample articles to give you an idea of what kind of knowledge to expect. At anytime during this configuration you can come back to this page and modify the list.
  2. You can click the edit icon on the right of each Knowledge base to choose filters and select tables.

  3. The edit screen will pop up and show the default set of filters you can apply and tables you can select.

    • Moveworks supports the following default filters. Note: that these filters will be on by default.
      • Workflow status = Published (Ingest only published article. These filters allow you to exclude draft, archived articles to be ingested and served to your employees)
      • Active = True
      • Valid_to > BeginningOfToday
    • Moveworks supports the following Tables selections for each knowledge base. By default, the kb_knowlege table will be turned on for every base selected. You may choose other tables as required.
      • kb_template_how_to
      • kb_template_kcs_article
      • kb_template_faq
      • kb_template_what_is

    Once you’ve finished configuring the filters and tables, click on Done.

Now that you’ve selected your KBs, click on Next: Generate URL to provide the sample article URL.

Advance Mode

By using Advance Mode you have greater control over which articles to ingest. In this mode, you can provide a URL for each scenario your users may encounter. You can also provide multiple URLs supporting each of your use cases.

When should you use this mode ?

  • If you need custom tables to be part of the configuration.
  • If you require custom filtering for your articles.
    • For example, if you need to ingest all articles in a KB with review_frequency > 10, this can be achieved via advance mode.
  1. Click on the Use Advance Mode toggle on the right next to enter advance mode. You will then be taken to the page below.

Build a start URL

Consider a scenario where as an admin you want to ingest all the How-to knowledge articles present in this knowledge base: Self-Service test knowledge base - 2 but only belonging to this category: IT-US
Here’s how you can get the start URL for the above use case:

  1. Head over to your ServiceNow admin portal, and go to All Articles.

  2. Click on the filter button on top left corner, create your desired filter and click run.

  3. After clicking Run, you will see the articles that fits your filters.

  4. Copy the URL in your browser’s search tab, and paste it into a URL decoder platform in the first field.

  5. The URL that your users will be redirected to needs to be constructed from this encoded URL that you copied. Click on Decode. You will see the decoded URL in the field below:

  6. There are now three components that you need from this decoded URL to construct your own URL.

    1. Pick the first part which has your domain, in the example above it is

    2. Add this : api/now/v2/table/ to the domain you just copied.

    3. Next, copy the part of the decoded URL highlighted in the image below(this can be kb_knowledge, or kb_custom_table o anything specific to your use case, remember to remove “” part) and add it to the url:

    4. Next, copy the sys_param_query part of the decoded URL highlighted in the image below and add:

    5. Add “&sysparm_display_value=all” to the URL.

Your final URL will look something like this :[api/now/v2/table](*&[sysparm_display_value=all](*

Now that you have a URL that can be used to ingest articles using your own custom filters, go back to the Moveworks Setup and copy this into the field below Provide start url to set up ingestion. And click on Next.

Now that you’ve selected your KBs, click on Next: Generate URL to provide the sample article URL.

Sample Article URL

When the Moveworks bot sends a summary of an article in-chat to answer a user’s questions, within the message there is a link they can click to go to ServiceNow and read the complete article. In order for this to work, you must provide Moveworks with a sample link.

How to get a sample URL?

  1. Head over to your ServiceNow instance.

  2. Go to any article that you want to ingest.

  3. Copy the URL in the browser address tab.

  4. Go back to the Moveworks Setup, and paste this URL into the field under Paste a URL from an existing article.

Now that you’ve provided a sample article URL, click on Next: Review Samples to go to the final step which is Validation.


On this page you can confirm whether the configurations you made are correct.

Article Count

The article count is the total number of articles that will be ingested into Moveworks based on the configurations you just completed. This is NOT a Sample Count.

Sample Articles

This table of sample articles allows you to validate the metadata that will be stored in Moveworks for the articles in this knowledge base.

  • KB Number: This is the Article ID for the KB article.
  • Topic: This the KB article’s topic.
  • Short Description: This is the short description of what the article is about.
  • Knowledge Base: This is the knowledge base the article belongs to.
  • Created On: This is is the date the article was created.
  • Created By: This is the name of the author of the article.
  • Article URL: This is the article’s URL.
  1. Click on the URLs and navigate to your ServiceNow portal, and confirm URL navigates to the correct article.
  2. If the URLs are not redirecting to the correct place, please go back and fix the sample article URL.
  3. Once sample articles are confirmed to be working properly, click on Confirm Ingestion.
  4. Once the articles have been ingested, please head over to the Knowledge page to see details on all the ingested articles.

Moveworks will take between 30 minutes to 4 hours to ingest all the articles selected and make them bot ready. See our Knowledge module guide to learn more.

Edit the ingestion

After finishing the configurations for your Knowledge setup, you may want to make changes to the ingestions. You can do so by following the steps below:

Connector and Domain verification

  1. Go to Knowledge Setup. All previous ingestions will be viewable on this page.

  2. Click on the Edit icon to edit that ingestion.

  3. Verify your connector here and click Next.

  4. Verify the Domain for your ingestion and click Next.

Select Knowledge bases to edit or proceed to advance mode

On the next page you will see the knowledge bases and tables that were successfully ingested checked in the table. Here, you can go through your Knowledge Bases, edit the filters, select more KBs or deselect the KBs you no longer want to be ingested.

Advance Mode

The tables that you had selected while creating the configs are transformed into a URL and is shown to you in advance mode. Please note that these URLs are not shown in create mode.

You can edit this URL or add your new URLs in the screen, to know more about creating URLs see the section above about Advance Mode.

Provide the sample URL

After you are satisfied with the KBs that you want to ingest click on Next. Later in this process you will be shown a review articles screen where you can verify the number of articles that are about to be ingested. You can always come back to select / deselect KBs.

The sample article URL field will be auto populated. Click on Next.

Review Articles

You can now go through the article count, and verify the sample articles that is shown. You can also go back and select more KBs to check the article count again. After you are confident of the Knowledge that you are about to ingest, click on Confirm Ingestion.

In the next 30 minutes to 4 hours, your Moveworks bot will ready to respond to queries with updated knowledge.


Q: Can I only do advance mode or basic mode? Can I do both?

A: Moveworks supports only one of the modes setting up the ingestion.

Q: How long does it take for MW to ingest all my articles?

A: It will take 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the number of articles you are ingesting.

Q: How can I delete a connector ?

A: Moveworks does not support deleting connectors as of this moment.

Q: How can I ingest custom tables in Service now that I created?

A: You can use advance mode for ingesting custom tables, see Advance Mode for more information on how to ingest custom tables.

Q: What is the difference between Sample URL and Start URL?

A: Sample URL is surfaced by the bot when it responds to a query, whereas the start URL is used in advance mode to do custom filtering for your articles.

Q: Are Integration ID and connector name the same?

A: Yes, Integration ID and connector refer to the same thing.

Q: Can I modify a connector while editing configuration?

A: No, if you want to use new connector, you must create a new ingestion.

Q: Will the bot stop working after I edit an ingestion?

A: No, your bot will still function, when the edited knowledge is fully ingested, the bot will reflect the changes in its responses.


  1. I selected a connector but it says “we don’t support this action now”, what should I do ?
    This means that the connector selected is not supported by Moveworks Setup as of now. Go ahead and select the appropriate ServiceNow connector that you have created.
  2. I see multiple SNOW connectors, which one to select ?
    You can create multiple ServiceNow connectors and all the connectors are shown to you in the first step of the configuration. Select the connector that you created and is functioning.
  3. I accidentally selected the wrong Domain for an ingestion and submitted, what can I do now?
    Domain modification for an ingestion is not supported as of now, you can contact your Customer Success team to make this change.
  4. I think some Knowledge Bases are missing from the table? How is this possible ?
    Please go back to the table view and re-check, please ensure that you have gone through all the pages. If there are still tables that are missing, you can also use Advance Mode to add custom tables.
  5. I don’t see my custom tables in a knowledge base but I need them, what can I do?
    You can use Advance mode to ingest all your custom tables.
  6. I am getting wrong article count, where did I go wrong ?
    Please re-check the tables that you have selected or the URL that you have given, This count is the total number of articles that you have in your tables selected, or based on the start URL that you provided.
  7. I accidentally selected the wrong KBs for ingestion, how to stop/pause ?
    You can go ahead and edit your ingestion.
  8. I am unable to go to my SNOW instance by clicking the link on review screen?
    This means that the Sample URL provided is incorrect. Try adding the Sample URL again.
  9. I am getting the error: “Sorry we do not support this connector as of now. Please contact Customer success team”, what should I do?
    Check if you are using the right connector for the system you are trying to make configurations to.
  10. I am getting the error: “Apologies, we're experiencing a delay. Please try again after checking your connector setup, instance health.”
    1. This error arises in the circumstance when Moveworks is not able to connect to your system.
    2. Verify the credentials for the connector that you are using.
    3. Check if your Knowledge system is up and running.
    4. If the issue still exists contact your Moveworks Customer Success team.
  11. I am getting the error: “Unable to load the given page”
    To resolve this issue, go to the home page, and retry the configurations.
  12. I am getting the error: “Sorry we cannot process your request this time”
    To resolve this error please contact your Moveworks Customer Support team.
  13. I am getting the error: “unauthorized”
    This error arises when the session is expired, please reload the page.