Moveworks Setup - Moveworks for Web


Moveworks for Web is a web-based, embedded chat client that can be hosted in your most frequented employee service portals and intranet sites. It automatically authenticates users by using their existing session on the host site, to grant them access to the full capabilities of the Moveworks platform without leaving their browser.


Moveworks for Web will greet users when they haven't interacted with it before and periodically afterwards to remind users of its capabilities.

If a user has open tickets, the bot will also proactively display their ticket statuses to offer a personalized experience and to save the user time for what is a very common usage pattern on service portals (checking ticket status).

Notifications Behavior

Critical notifications to your Moveworks bot are mirrored across Moveworks for Web and their primary native chat platform:

Messages sent through Employee Comms
Messages sent via Message API
Messages sent via Enterprise Approvals (for e.g. ServiceNow)
For all other notifications, they are only sent to the user’s preferred chatbot. The preferred chatbot is set as follows:

By default, a user’s preferred chatbot is in the native platform in which Moveworks is installed (e.g. Slack, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, etc.)
If a user interacts with Moveworks for Web (by either chatting or clicking a link) their preferred chatbot is set to Moveworks for Web for 15 minutes.
This means notifications such as ticket updates are sent only to Moveworks for Web while it is set as the user’s preferred chatbot.


Clicking on any link to an external resource will lead users to the same destination as configured for your organization's other chat platform(s). For clarity, links to forms will have one of three results:

For a simple in-bot-fillable form (i.e. one or less mandatory fields), the behavior is the same in Moveworks for Web as in Slack/Teams/etc., which is to allow users to fill the form conversationally in chat.
For a complex in-bot-fillable form (i.e. more than one mandatory field), the user will be able the form out in a modal on the same tab as the Moveworks for Web UI, as long as the modal feature is enabled.
For a form that is not in-bot-fillable, the user will be directed to the source system of the form to fill out the form in a new tab on the web browser (this will be consistent with where users are directed in their normal chat platform).
Moveworks for Web will be configured by our team to use your pre-existing bot's name and avatar for a consistent experience between web and chat platforms. Additionally, we will apply a color theme to the chat window elements to match your bot's color palette.

History Syncing

All your Moveworks for Web bots’ chat histories stay in sync within and across hosts. For example, a user’s history will be shared across ServiceNow pages and across ServiceNow and SharePoint.

Chat histories are not synced between the web bot and native chat platforms. This is consistent with how, for example, Slack and Teams bots are not synced.

All bots (web and native chat) have access to the same underlying data and integrations. For example, I could file a ticket in Moveworks for Web on SharePoint and immediately check the status of it and add a comment to it in Slack.

Users have up to a 30 day history on their Moveworks for Web messages per our data retention policies.

How does Moveworks for Web work?

How is the user authenticated?

Each host is implemented differently, but in general, we embed a script on each page we want it to appear. When a user visits that page, a call is made to Moveworks services, offering a token or other form of authentication provided by the host so we can validate the user is

A. authenticated into the host of that page,
B. in the Moveworks roster, and
C. allowed access to Moveworks for Web.
If not, nothing appears, and the user won’t know it exists. If the user is authenticated, the script renders an iframe on the page containing the bot icon in the bottom right corner of the page.

On which pages does Moveworks for Web show up?

Depending on the host, Moveworks for Web can be applied to individual pages or across your entire portal by applying it to your portal's theme. We generally recommend the latter if possible with the host, as it only takes a few seconds to do and your users will have access to the bot throughout their entire journey through the portal.

Which hosts are supported?

Any SSO-enabled destination that supports HTML embedding

Configuration options

Which parts of the design can be customized?

Regardless of which version a deployment of Moveworks for Web is running, the following values can be configured to style the corresponding components:

  • Border (primary) - Applies to the header and footer
  • Accent (secondary) - Applies to icons, the bot title, and any buttons in chat
  • Bot message (botMessage) - Applies to the background color of messages from the bot
  • User Message (userMessage) - Applies to the background color of messages by the user
  • Card (card) - Applies to the background color of non-text chat blocks returned by the bot (not depicted in the image below)

If no customization is specified, the bot will use the following defaults:

  • primary - Defaults to #EFEAF3
  • secondary - Defaults to #45007F
  • botMessage - This defaults to the primary color if not defined
  • userMessage - This defaults to the secondary color if not defined
  • card - Defaults to #FFFFFF


Q: How long does Moveworks for Web links stay active?
A: Moveworks for Web links are active for 14 days.

Q: Is the text within chat bubbles configurable?
Yes, the text in with chat bubbles in Moveworks for Web is configurable by configuring the botMessage or userMessage parameters outlined above.

Q: Is it possible to change bot so it is behind a button?
Yes, you can leverage the following javascript window.postMessage('mw4web_app_open')to open the bot behind a onclick