Legacy Gateways are built on our old search infrastructure. That means they...

  1. May have performance issues
  2. Are harder to troubleshoot.
  3. Are not future compatible with capabilities such as incremental ingestion and permissions.


If you build a Legacy Gateway, your organization will likely need to migrate it to our Content Gateway specification.

You can still setup & connect legacy gateways to the Moveworks platform. There are 3 legacy gateways:

CapabilitiesLegacy Gateway SpecificationWarnings
Forms https://developer.moveworks.com/gateway/forms/spec/This is NOT currently supported for Content Gateway.
Identityhttps://developer.moveworks.com/gateway/identity/spec/This is NOT currently supported for Content Gateway.
Knowledgehttps://developer.moveworks.com/gateway/knowledge/spec/Content Gateway supports most knowledge, but if you want to connect to HTML files, you should still build a Knowledge Gateway.

Note that you will need to migrate your Knowledge Gateway to Content Gateway once Content Gateway supports files. Follow our roadmap post for updates to HTML support.